Page 5 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 5

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 5

                                                                                                    The Potter’s Nugget

                  Will you be one of His Rods?

                    ake a look at the world out there and you see
                    an  enveloping  darkness  as  the  apocalyptic
             Trider of the white horse is conquering and
             conquering in deceiving the world and its inhabi-
             tants.  Suddenly, evil has become good and good  has
             become evil.  Pervert lifestyles that the Word of God
             clearly  describes  as  signs  of  the  revelation  of  the
             wrath of God and spiritual apostasy and reprobation,
             have been endorsed by the established church as not
             being ‘sin’ or ‘sickness’.  Any politician that does not
             hail this evil is hounded by the media.
                                                                     agents of deliverance and transformation.  During
             No other community in the land is assaulted like this.  the earthly ministry of Christ, his focus was on
             This onslaught is targeted against the LORD and His     making disciples, out of whom he chose twelve to
             Christ and His people.  These unnatural lifestyles are
                                                                     be His apostles and the one hundred and twenty
             being actively promoted and stamped on impression-
                                                                     who He prepared and made ready for Pentecost.
             able young minds.  This is on top of falsehood, tagged
                                                                     If numbers were to be the parameter for measur-
             “The theory of Evolution”, being deliberately embed-    ing anointing, some of our “great” men of God
             ded and taught in all subjects as factual, to prepare a  would  lay  claim  to  more  anointing  than  The
             wild generation that will serve the purposes of the
                                                                     Anointed One.
                                                                     But here is the Divine understanding on numbers:
             Meanwhile, majority of Christians are busy dancing
             and clapping away in our little meeting boxes and       “…many  are  called,  but  few  are  chosen”
             ‘naming and claiming’ the perishable and the mun-
                                                                     (Matt 22:14);
             dane…while the darkness gathers around us.
                                                                     “…strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
                                                                     leadeth  unto  life,  and  few  there  be  that  find  it”
             That is why the Lord has arisen to declare:             (Matt 7:14).
             “And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge
             the  mount  of  Esau,  and  the  kingdom  shall  be  the
                                                                     The question is, are you amongst those few?  Are
             LORD’s” (Oba 1:21).
                                                                     you  willing  to  be  counted  in,  among  the
                                                                     ‘deliverers’ of this generation?
             Have you yourself experienced full salvation and you
             desire to be one of those ‘saviours’ who will be used   Grace be with your spirit.
             by  YESHU’A  HAMASHIACH  –  JESUS  THE
                                                                                                    Bro Goke Adejumo
             Will you be a recruit?  Our world is in need of Christ’
                                                                                                  Living Seed (Europe)
             great and powerful hand of salvation, more than in
             any generation.

             Will you be one of His rods sent out to Zion?  In our
             contemporary context, it appears as if our fascination
             with numbers has diverted our attention from raising

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