Page 10 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 10

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 10


                    here are some great little stories in the life of
                    Elisha. There really are. This study will focus on
                                                                    say but one that has some pretty impressive results
              Ttwo of them. It is, you could say, be a tale of two
                                                                    for we read that he went out to the spring and threw
              vessels, for the two stories are connected as we shall
                                                                    the salt into it, saying, “This is what the LORD says:
              see. And as we look at the two stories, we shall hope-  ‘I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or
              fully get some nice little glimpses into God’s work in  make the land unproductive.” And the water has remained
              our lives through the gift of His Holy Spirit. Well, that’s  wholesome to this day, according to the word Elisha had
              the plan anyway! The two stories that we will concern
              ourselves with today can be found in 2 Kings
              2:19-22 and 2 Kings 4:1-7. Let’s have a look at           Ok, so what’s in it for me then aye?
              the first text.
                                                                        Obviously I’m not here to give any gardening tips
              When towns go bad…                                        for unproductive soil. Probably because I don’t
                                                                        know any! But in this story we have a great little
              2 Kings 2:19-22 The men of the city said to El-           picture of humanity. You see, this city is repre-
              isha, “Look, our lord, this town is well situated, as you  sentative of humanity as a whole. On the outside,
              can see, but the water is bad and the land is unproduc-   things  look  quite  nice,  tranquil  and  pleasant.
              tive.” “Bring me a new bowl,” he said, “and put           Inwardly, below the surface, it is a whole differ-
              salt in it.” So they brought it to him. Then he went      ent story. All is not well with our planet. Instead
              out to the spring and threw the salt into it, say-        of  the  presence  of  God  within  the  life  of  His
              ing, “This is what the LORD says: ‘I have healed          creation, we have been born with a nature that
              this water. Never again will it cause death or            is  proud,  self  dependant,  jealous,  coveting,
              make the land unproductive. ’”And the water has           lustful and greedy. It is self consumed, barren
              remained wholesome to this day, according to              and unfruitful. And all of humanities attempts at
              the word Elisha had spoken.                               producing something worthwhile, fruitful, and
                                                                        lasting end in the same situation that the city of
              So  the  story  begins  with  Elisha  relaxing  in        Jericho did in the story presented before us – it
              Jericho. Now Jericho (“place of fragrance”) as its a tale of two vessels  miscarries and the results are bad.
              name suggests, was a nice looking town. Even
              the men of the town are quick to point this out           So what did Elisha do for he knew the answer...
              to Elisha for the first thing they say to him was
              “the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord       1) He needed salt: Elisha knew that he needed
              sees.” (NASB). Yep, everything looked very nice,          salt for this problem. Salt, in the Bible, is often a
              very pleasant. The kind of place that you might           picture of the indwelling life of God. Salt, as you
              want to holiday or retire in I would think! But…          may  be  aware,  was  used  as  a  preservative  in
              there is a ‘but’. ‘But’ the town folk said, “the water    those days as refrigerators hadn’t been invented
              is bad and the land is unproductive”. Now that is         yet! They would place their meat and other food
              a big ‘but’! Things are not what they seem down           in layers of salt to prevent it from corruption. As
              in Jericho.                                               such, the Bible often uses salt as a type of God’s
                                                                        life within man. It is God’s presence that pre-
              Appearances  can  be  deceptive  and  if  you
                                                                        serves us and keeps us from corruption! It was
              scratched a little below the surface you would
                                                                        salt that this city needed. It is salt (God’s life)
              soon see that all is not well for the very springs
                                                                        that we need.
              of water that are meant to nourish and bring life
              to the town.  They are polluted and bring the             2)  He  needed  a  new  vessel:  As  mentioned
              opposite. Not a good situation. To be more exact,         above, Salt was what was needed, but it could
              the word that is translated ‘unproductive’ above          only be contained within a new vessel! So it is
              is often translated ‘unfruitful’ in other translations  with  humanities  problems.  It  needs  the  salt  of
              and in the Hebrew, it contains the thought of ‘causes  God’s indwelling presence once again – that which it
              to miscarry’. In other words, it would look like there  forfeited oh so long ago in the garden. But the life of
              was going to be fruit. It would look like the land was  God can only be contained in a new vessel. One that is
              going to produce a crop… but it would miscarry, turn  clean. The Bible doesn’t tell people to try to clean up
              bad, and once again the hopes of the town would be    their  old  lives.  It  tells  them  to  be  born  again  and
              dashed.                                               become a new creation, a new vessel indwelt by the
                                                                    presence of God’s Holy Spirit. Only He can truly change
              One strange solution…                                 a person and make them “productive” again.

              Now we see that Elisha doesn’t hesitate. He knows     3) He needed to go to the source of the problem:
              exactly what has to be done. “Bring me a new bowl” he  He didn’t look to the outward manifestation of the
              yells, “and put salt in it.” A strange solution you may  problem, nor did He try to just get each tree to be more
                                                                    fruitful. He didn’t try to give the trees more fertiliser

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