Page 15 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 15

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 15

               Come Over to Jabbok

                                                                    to face meeting’ with a ‘man’.  In the course of the
                       ne of the most interesting characters in the  wrestling, he held on to this ‘man’ long enough to
                       Bible was Jacob, the twin son of Isaac and   receive a real blessing; not a stolen blessing, as in the
              ORebekah.  Looking through his life history,          past but lasting one through the God of his father
              we can see that he was indeed a beloved of God.       Abraham,  who  keeps  promises.  By  the  next  day,
                                                                    though Jacob was wounded, he was blessed and had
              Jacob ran away from home after stealing his twin
                                                                    a  permanent  change  of  name  and  identity.
              brother’s birthright and blessing. He made so many
                                                                    He  became a new man (Gen 32)!
              glaring mistakes that cost him several years of servant-
              hood under his dubious uncle Laban.  He worked        Beloved, are you fed up of your lifestyle?  Do you want
              fourteen years for his uncle Laban to get two wives,  a lasting change?  Are you weary or burdened with
              one of whom he really didn’t even need.               your past and think there is no way out?  Come over
                                                                    to Jabbok!  It’s time to be alone and ‘iron out some
              Finally, he decided to break free; he longed to go
                                                                    issues  out  with  God’.    You  can’t  afford  to
              home  -  Bethel.    But,  he  remembered  a  death
                                                                    postpone it anymore.
              sentence hanging on him because of past misdeed
              against  his  twin  brother  Esau.    The  messengers  Jabbok is a lonely place. A place where you must
              returned an unpleasant news. Esau was on his way to   admit  your  sins,  inadequacies,  short-comings  and
              Jacob  and  he  had  four  hundred  men  with  him.   truly open up to God, though none of your ways are
              Unfortunately, this time, Jacob ran out of question-  hidden from Him.  Jabbok is a place you must wrestle
              able schemes to pave his way out of this dreadful     with God about some issues in your life, if you truly
              situation.                                            desire to fulfil his mandate upon your life.  The way
                                                                    to receive God’s blessing is not a pleasant one; it
              Ahead was Esau. Behind were his past errors; the lies,
                                                                    involves  pain,  lots  of  sacrifices  and  self-denial.
              the deception and the stolen blessing.  Jacob became
                                                                    Beloved, what sacrifice are you willing to make to
              sorely afraid.  In his distress, he divided his family
                                                                    ensure that you find God?
              into two halves so that he could have something to
              fall back on, should Esau kill one half.  He cried to  At Jabbok, you will be blessed, renamed, re-branded
              God for help.  He sent his wives, his maids, and his  and  re-aligned with God’s original plan for your
              sons across the river Jabbok but he waited behind     destiny.  Delaying your trip to Jabbok could cost you
              there.  That night, no one was with him.  He re-      eternal regret.
              mained alone on the banks of the Jabbok.
                                                                    Do it NOW!
              At Jabbok, Jacob wrestled with God in prayer all                                                 r
              night long over the issues of his life.  He had a ‘face                                The Potter’s Vessel

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