Page 20 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 20

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 20

                                                                                                   the Potter’s Heritage

                          Behind the Bright Lights...

                                             "My parents are always nagging me.
                                               They won't let me do what I like.
                                            They treat me like a kid.   I am fed up!"

                 ndeed, pressures at home can be so great that you  to man, but its end is the way to death"   (Prov. 14:12).
                 have at one time or another considered moving out.  It is not so much of the loss of your life but that of your
              IYou have often slipped away (for a couple of days)   soul.  If you die in such a situation, you will end up in
              to stay with friends and come back.  Initially, it was a  hell.  Hell is a place prepared for those who live such lives
              passing thought but now it is a deliberate decision and  and  neither  believe,  accept  nor  serve  God  faithfully
              seems to be the ideal solution to your problems.   Have  during their lifetime.
              your really got any problem?  None whatsoever.  As a
              teenager, your major problem is that "you always want to  God loves you so much.  To demonstrate this and to en-
              have your way" because you are selfish; you often think  sure that your life is not ruined, He has organised a period
              that everything and everyone should revolve around you!  of discipline for you.  It is called "A moulding period."
                                                                    Throughout this period, which may last for many years,
              You think you are mature and confident to handle your  God will use your parents /guardian and some people in
              life but you are naive, foolish, inexperienced yet stubborn  the society to discipline you.  He will always supervise
              and arrogant.  You refuse to listen to your parents or  them and correct whatever mistake they make regarding
              guardian; you idolize some ungodly stars and want to  your life.  Hence, God will mould your life to the pattern
              fashion your life after them.  You have forgotten that it is  He wants it to be.  Your parents too love you.  They desire
              not all that glitters that is gold; your destiny is far more  that you have the best of  everything in life.
              glorious than those ungodly stars you are shadowing!    As
              bad  as  you  think  things  might  be  at  home,  you  will  So, do not rebel against God and your parents or guardian
              discover that problems on the streets are worse.  No one  UNLESS they are taking you down the ungodly route.
              out there is prepared to offer you the genuine love and  Maybe you have never heard about God since you were
              security you enjoy in your family.  You will soon see what  born.  Perhaps the only time you ever heard of Jesus name
              is  "Behind  the  bright  lights"  of  the  big  cities  or  the  was in swearing.  He is speaking to you right NOW.  It is
              families you are planning to run to.                  never too late to consider Him.

                                                                    However, if you are already on the run, do not be ashamed
              If a friend promises to accommodate you for some time  to talk to God about your situation.  He will not tell you
              in order to achieve your ungodly goal, he cannot keep you  off.    He  is  constantly  waiting  and  watching  for  your
              for ever.  One day, he will send you packing.  You will  return.   You only need to repent and forsake all your
              have no place to go than to sleep rough on the streets or  wrongdoings.   He will forgive and make you His child
              in hostels where you may be more exposed to perverts,  (Luke 15: 20-23).   Your parents too have missed you.
              drug-traffickers and other evil practices.  In your desper-  They will be very glad to welcome you back into the
              ation you may succumb to deceptive words: "You're very  family.
              brainy .... You'll make it within months.  We'll show you
              how.  Um.... life will be just perfect."              Are you being thrown out by your parents, stepparents or
                                                                    guardian, do not go on the streets.  Invite Jesus into your
              In no time, they will abuse, threaten and force you into  life.  He will resolve the unpleasant issues  between you
              either  male  or  female  prostitution,  drug  trafficking,  and your parents or provide a more loving family for you.
              pornography and robbery.  You may be unable to retrace  One thing is certain - God shows keen interest in every
              your steps because your 'mentor' will have a 'strong hold'  aspect of your life and has a permanent solution to all
              over you.  Should you rebel, he will beat, threaten or pull  your problems.  Be aware that every decision you make
              the trigger that will kill you and bring a swift conclusion  has a positive or negative  consequence which could be
              to your life.   Now, that is what  running away from your  immediate or long term.
              secure family closet is all about!
                                                                    Do not fashion your life after ungodly stars, for they are
              YOU NEED HELP                                         travelling on a road that leads nowhere but destruction.
              Do you still feel that running away is the only solution
              after learning about the consequences?  You need help.                                           r
              The word of God says, "There is a way which seems right                                The Potter’s Vessel

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