Page 21 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 21

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 21

                   Answers for Teens

                 Is It Right that I’m Forced to Go to
                         Church Each Week?
              Doesn’t the constitution guarantee me freedom
                               of religion?                         First Peter 2:12 says, “Keep your behaviour excellent

              Look at it this way. If you do go to church, it’s     among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they
              not going to hurt you. It might even help you.        slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your
              But if you don’t go to church, your parents will      good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the
              probably kill you. Considering the consequences,      day of visitation.”
              going to church seems a whole lot better choice.      If you keep your behaviour excellent, your friends
              As long as you live under their roof, and they are    may one day glorify God. If you compromise,
              responsible for taking care of you, you need to       your friends will never see any difference between
              do what they ask.                                     your life and theirs. If they don’t, what motiva-
                                                                    tion will they have to become followers of Christ
               How in the World Can I Be Like Jesus?
                I can’t even swim, much less walk on water.

              God wants you to be like His Son in your char-         My Friends Complain that I’m too Shy.
              acter, that is, what you are like on the inside.       They Think I Should Go Out Drinking
              There is no outward ideal when it comes to looks           With Them. What Should I do?
              or  abilities.  But  there  is  an  inward  ideal.  It’s
                                                                           If you want a personality makeover,
              found in Gal 5:22, 23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is
                                                                              drinking will do that for you.
              love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithful-  Some shy people become the life of the party once
              ness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there  they get drunk. Others try to kill themselves.
              is no law.”  God wants you to allow His Spirit to
                                                                    If  you  are  really  in  search  of  a  personality
              control you so you will be like His Son.
                                                                    makeover, read Ephesians 5:18,“And do not get
                                                                    drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled
              I’ve Tried Saying “No” to My Friends, but
                                                                    with the Spirit.” When you come under the influ-
                     I Keep Getting into Trouble.
                                                                    ence of either  alcohol or the Holy Spirit, you will
                          What Should I Do?
                                                                    act differently.     You may not know how alcohol
               Swimming against the current requires a lot of
                                                                    will make you act, but you do know how the
               strength. It is always easier to just go with the
                                                                    Holy Spirit will make you act—just like Jesus. In-
                                                                    stead of giving in to your friends’ pressure to
              For this reason, it is important that your closest    drink, give in to the Spirit’s promptings in your
              friends  flow  the  right  direction.  You  must      life.  Let  Him  control  you,  lead  you  and
              surround yourself with the right kind of friends—     empower you. Your friends will be shocked to see
              friends who challenge you to daily live your life     the new you.
              for Christ (adapted from Peer Pressure, p. 57).
              As much as you will hate it, you should pull out
              of the group. You cannot claim to follow Christ                                                  r
              and continue to compromise.                         

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