Page 16 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 16

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 16

                                                                                                      JOIN THE LIFE BOAT

                                GOING BACK HOME

                         hatever allurement the devil advertises, it is only      Your first step towards restora-
                         to steal, to kill and to destroy. A slight   degree      tion and redemption is to arise
              Wof deviation from God’s purpose for your life                      and  take  your  leave  of  that
              may eventually become thousands of kilometers away from             environment. Do not  prepare
              your course. A brief trip into backsliding may actually trip        any more to leave; just leave. No
              your feet into the bottomless pit of woe and confusion. The         preparation  you  make  can  be
              merciful Father stands with an outstretched hand gazing,            sufficient; your best resolve, you
              looking and longing for His prodigals to come back home.            will only break. Stretch out your
              The devil employs anything available to derail God’s people.        hand  to  the  Saviour  who  is
                                                                                  holding the rope of deliverance
              A drowning man cannot be purged while still in the waters.
                                                                                  to you today and just come out.
              He must be taken out of the
                                                                                   Leave everything behind. You
              mire before any work of                                                will not need all those rags in
              cleansing  can  begin.
                                                                                     your      Father’s  house.  Just
              There  is  no  change  of       “Have you made a personal              come as you are.
              raiment out there in the
              far  country  for  the          decision to follow the Lord?           Your Father in heaven says,
              prodigal  son.  He  must     Have you not known that it is not         “Come now! Let us settle the
              rise up out of that place                                              matter.”  Go  and  settle  the
              to  return to his father.         where you were born or               matter  with  Him  and  Him
                                                  how you were born,                 alone.  There  are  the  good
              Friend, it is possible that
                                                                                     things  your  Father’s  land
              you went to          sojourn  that determines your placement in        produced  while  you  went
              in that strange country                                                down  to  that  far  country.
              where     sin    reigns       the purpose of God now on earth          You will eat freely if you will
              supreme. You may have               and then in eternity?              come  back  in  repentance
              been having feelings of                                                and obedience.
              remorse and a desire to            It is your decision now
              change your life.    It will  that determines your location in         The way a man takes to go
              not amount to anything                                                 away from the Father is still
              until you arise to come                   Eternity.”                   the  way  he  must  take  to
              out of that place of sin.                                              return home. The Father did
              You must rise and take a                                             not look out for the prodigal
              step of repentance towards God today.                               son  from      another  route.  He
                                                                                  looked for him daily on the way
              You cannot cleanse yourself out there. You cannot change
                                                                                  by which he departed.
              your internal raiment there as well. Your saying, “I will
              change” will not amount to anything until you actually arise        To have a genuine restoration,
              to walk out of that wrong relationship. You must change             we must retrace our steps and
              your location before you can find the newness of life you are        do the first works we learnt to
              longing for. That girl ‘friend’ with whom you are falling into      do when we first met the Lord.
              sin is that ‘Moab’ and unless you deliberately rise to get away,    Nothing  changed  for  the
              she will always overpower you.                                      prodigal son until he came to
                                                                                  himself and made that personal

           TThe Potter’s Vessel                                                                              16
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