Page 19 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 19

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 19

              How terrible the curse and the power of sin! Father-  O  my  God!  I  humbly  confess  that  I  utter  these
              hood in the likeness of God, the communication to     words with shame. How little have the perfect love
              another being of a life that was to be immortal and   and joy, the purity and brightness of heaven, been
              ever blessed, and the establishment of a home of love  reflected in the home given to my charge! How little
              like  that  in  heaven,  was  to  have  been  the  high  I have even understood my calling, or truly aimed
              privilege of man, as God created him. But alas! sin   at the high ideal ou hast set before me! Father,
              came in, and wrought a fearful ruin.                  forgive us, for Jesus’ sake!

              e father makes the child partaker of a sinful na-    And hear me, when I beseech ee to guide my
              ture; the father feels himself too sinful to be a bless-  meditations, and to help me in the study of y
              ing to his child; and the home alas! is too often the  Holy Word, that I may learn more fully to realize
              path not to heaven, but to hell. But, blessed be God!  y  purpose  is  with  the  fatherhood  and  the
              What sin destroyed grace restores. All the purpose    motherhood of this earth, and with what interest
              and  provision  of  God’s  grace  point  back  to  the  and love ou lookest on each home given up to
              restoration of what at creation was intended – the    y protection and guidance. Teach me to know
              fatherhood and the motherhood of earth, with its      ee in y infinite Fatherliness, that the study and
              love and its home, its care and its training of the   the experience of that Divine Original, after which
              children, the reflection and the fellowship of the    the parent’s heart was created, may fit me to be a
              home and the love of the  Father in heaven.

              Let every parent who feels conscious of his
              own shortcoming, and longs for wisdom
              and grace to do aright the work entrusted
              him, look back in faith and hope to the
              heavenly origin of family life. e God who
              created it has redeemed it too, and creates
              it anew. He watches over it with tender in-
              terest, and meets with His own Father-love
              and blessing every parent who desires to
              be the minister of His holy purpose.

              Would you truly begin by making God’s
              thought  your  thought?    Would  you
              translate the fatherhood and the family on
              earth to the image and the likeness of a
              heavenly  original?    Look  to  God  as  the
              Author  of  your  family.    Count  on  Him
              to supply  all that is needed to make it what it should  true parent to my child. And let a Father’s love and
              be.    Let His Father-heart and His Father-love be    blessing rest on our home. Amen.
              your study and your stay.  As you  entrust your family
              into God’s adoring love, you will be assured that He
              will fit it as the bright reflection of His desire.
                                                                                                       Andrew Murray
                                                                                                        (1828 – 1917)
              O ou great and holy Creator of men! ou hast
              placed me, too, in the wondrous relation of parent
              with a child owing its life to me. ou wouldst give
              me, too, the happiness of living a life of love, the Di-
              vine joy of loving and being loved. ou hast placed
              me, too, in a home which is to be the image of the
              home in heaven, where the Father and the Son dwell
              in everlasting love.

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