Page 18 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 18

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 18

                                                                                                     the Potter’s family

                        The Family As God Created It

                "God created man in His own image: in the image of  might give life to those on whom his love might
              God created He him; male and female created He them.  flow forth, that God created man in His image, male
              And God blessed them; and God said unto them, Be      and female. In the home on earth, in the love of
              fruitful,  and  multiply,  and  replenish  the  earth"  husband and wife, of parent and child, were to be
              (Gen. 1:27-28).                                       reflected  the  love  and  the  blessedness  of  the
                                                                    Father’s home in heaven, were to be imaged forth
                    od’s purpose in the creation of man was to      the deepest secrets of the life of Godhead in the
                    show forth and make visible to the universe     fellowship of the Father and the Son by the Holy
              GHis own unseen glory and perfection. He              Spirit.
              [man] was not only to have single points of resem-
                                                                    What a solemn and what a blessed view this truth
              blance to God; in all he was and did upon earth he
              was to prove that he was indeed  created in God’s     gives us of the parental relation! What a sanctifying
                                                                    influence the right apprehension of it would have
              image and after His likeness.
                                                                    upon its privileges and its duties! How much better,
                                                                                                 in the light of this
              e traits of that likeness
                                                                                                 Divine origin and
              were  greatly  varied  and
              most  wonderful.  In  the                                                          purpose  of  the
                                                                                                 family,  we  can
              dominion he was to have
                                                                                                 understand  and
              over the earth, he was to
                                                                                                 value our relation
              exhibit the power of God
                                                                                                 to  our  children!
              as King and Ruler of the
              universe.  In  the  won-                                                           And how, on the
                                                                                                 other  hand,  all
              drous  mental  powers
                                                                                                 our  interaction
              with  which  he  was  en-
                                                                                                 with them would
              dowed,  fitting  him  for
                                                                                                 strengthen  our
              this work, there was to be
              seen the image of God as                                                           obedience   and
                                                                                                 our   confidence
              the All-wise. In his moral
                                                                                                 towards      the
              powers  there  was  to  be
                                                                                                 Father in heaven!
              some  reflection  of  the
              light that is inaccessible                                                         We  should  see
              and  full  of  glory:  God’s                          how the action of the heavenly and the earthly
              righteousness and holiness were to be revealed.       home  on  each  other  is  reciprocal.  Every  deeper
                                                                    insight into the Father’s love and the Father’s home
              But then there still remained one trait of the Divine  would elevate the interaction in the home on earth,
              perfection, the very highest, to be set forth. God is  and enlarge our expectations as to the blessing the
              love.  As  Infinite  Love  He  lives  not  for  Himself  God who appointed it will certainly bestow upon it.
              alone, but finds all His blessing in imparting His    And every experience of what the love and blessing
              own life. In His bosom He has the Son of His love,    of a home on earth can be would again be a ladder
              begotten of the Father from eternity. rough the      by which to rise up and get nearer the great Father-
              Son He hath created living beings, that upon them     heart in heaven. "In the beginning God created the
              the fullness of His love might flow out. As the Lov-  heaven and the earth" – the two in correspondence
              ing One He is the fountain of life; as the Living One  with  each  other:  the  home  in  heaven,  with  the
              He is the fountain of love. It was that in this, too,  Father there, the original of the home on earth, and
              man might bear the image of God, that his whole       the father there.
              life might be a life of love, and that in loving he

           The Potter’s Vessel                        Vol 2,  Issue 1,  Jan 2018                               18
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