Page 11 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 11

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 11

              and care, or double the town folks’ effort in trying  faith in God! So through faith, she cries out to Elisha
              to replant new trees in an effort to get more fruit.  to perform the impossible. And in a wonderful miracle,
              No way. Total waste of time! He went straight to the  as she presents what she has (only empty jars and a
              spring of water that was the source of the problem.   little oil) to all that God is and can do, the oil is multi-
              The moral of the story? Well, the problem is not      plied, her debts are paid and she has an abundance!
              what we do. It is what we are. You can spend all of
              your life trying to tackle some outward sins but if   So what does this mean for me?
              you do not see and acknowledge what the source of
              the problem is, then you will never truly find the    Well, apart from the encouragement that can be taken
              right solution.                                       from the fact that God sees, cares, and provides for His
                                                                    children (even if He does let things get quite low and
              So Elisha knew what to do. It would take the salt     hard first!), let’s look at what pictures are presented
              (God’s life) in a new vessel (our lives after being   to us in this story. You see, if the first story we saw that
              born again) being poured out into the source of the   Elisha needed a new vessel or jar in which to place
              problem (our old nature). Now, I would draw your      salt. This emphasised the first and foremost need of
              attention  to  another  small  story  that  follows  on  becoming a new creation… a new vessel fit for the in-
              nicely from this one. Please read the following from  dwelling of the Holy Spirit. But this story presents us
              2 Kings 4:1-7:                                        with the next stage. You see oil is also a well known
                                                                    type of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.  Salt speaks to us
              The Empty Vessel                                      of the keeping power of the Holy Spirit, holding at bay
                                                                    the  corrupting  influence  of  the  old  nature.  But  oil
              The wife of a man from the company of the prophets    speaks to us of the Holy Spirit’s light and anointing to
              cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is      perform that which is now required of a Christian.
              dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But      So with this in mind, let’s look at three main points
              now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as     that we can take from this story.
              his slaves.” Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you?
              Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant  1) Colour, shape and size doesn’t matter: You will recall
              has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a little oil.”  the woman in this story had to go out and find as many
              Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for  jars as she could to be filled. Now, did it matter about
              empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few.  en go inside and  the size or shape of the vessel? Did it matter if it was a
              shut  the  door  behind  you  and  your                              new jar, an old jar, a pretty jar an
              sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as                              ugly jar, a skinny jar or a fat jar?
              each is filled, put it to one side.” She                              Not at all! The oil could fill the jar
              left him and afterward shut the door                                  whether it was any of these types.
              behind her and her sons. ey brought                                  Is  God  limited  to  only  certain
              the jars to her and she kept pouring.                                 types of people today? No way! He
              When all the jars were full, she said to                              uses all that present themselves to
              her son, “Bring me another one.” But                                  Him to be used. The only require-
              he replied, “ere is not a jar left.”                                 ment, as expressed by Elisha, was
              en the oil stopped flowing. She went                                 that …
              and told the man of God, and he said,
                                                                                    2)  The  jar  had  to  be  empty:
              “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts.
                                                                                    Obviously  the  only  thing  that
              You and your sons can live on what is
                                                                                    stops a vessel being filled is if it is
                                                                                    already filled with something else!
                                                                                    So Elisha instructed the lady to get
              So there’s the story. And another
                                                                                    empty jars. The Bible speaks of us
              fantastic little story it is! We’ve got
                                                                                    being filled with the Holy Spirit.
              a woman, a jar, and a little oil…
                                                                                    But it also speaks of the empting
              Not the normal ingredients for a
                                                                                    process that allows us to be in a
              blockbuster  but  something  spe-
                                                                                    state to be filled and used by God.
              cial is on the way none the less!
                                                                                   We need to be emptied of pride and
              But let’s not jump ahead of ourselves
                                                                    self dependence to be filled by God. That is the mes-
              because you’ve got to feel for this woman. This is a
                                                                    sage of 2 Cor 4. Firstly, it speaks of God’s light (the oil
              real person with very real and pressing needs! She
                                                                    giving  light  of  the  Holy  Spirit)  being  in  our  little
              had lost her husband, lost her money, lost most of
              her possessions, and now, through the cruel actions
              of an angry creditor, she is about to lose all that she
                                                                    “For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord,
              still had – her two boys. Put yourself in her shoes for
                                                                    and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who
              a minute. Would you be ready to give up? Though
                                                                    said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine
              she had little else, one thing still remained… her
                                                                                                      concluded on page 30
           The Potter’s Vessel                                                                               11
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