Page 12 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 12

FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft  13/01/2018  18:08  Page 12

                                                                                                          the BLESSED
               Are you in the company of the

                   uke 1: 28-38 recorded how God sent angel Gabriel  How does God perform His Word?
                   to  announce  the  birth,  name  and  part  of  Jesus’
                                                                    For conditional promises, God needs our own ‘mustard
              Lministry to a well-favoured, naive but godly virgin
                                                                    seed’ type of faith to perform His word, though we believe
              Mary  who  gladly  accepted  God’s  promises.    e  angel
                                                                    it.  Our attitude should be, ‘When an honourable man says
              confirmed that God had equally visited her cousin Elizabeth
                                                                    anything, he also does it. So it is with God.  When God says
              who had been barren for several years.  After some time, the
                                                                    that He has given me something, I know by faith that it is
              Holy  Spirit  hastily  moved  Mary  to  visit  Elizabeth,  her
                                                                    truly mine. With faith, I believe that it will come to pass;
              pregnant cousin.  As soon as Mary, who was carrying the
                                                                    God He will do it for me. Faith always asks only for what
              Testimony of Israel in her womb greeted her cousin, the
                                                                    God has said, and then relies on His faithfulness and power
              Holy  Spirit  filled  Elizabeth  and  the  Spirit  of  prophecy
                                                                    to fulfil His Word.  God instructs us to meditate on His
              acknowledged the favour of God on Mary:
                                                                    Word (Joshua 1:8) daily. e Word should be received into
              "Blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of  the innermost depths of our hearts through the avenue of
              the things which were told her from the Lord"  (Luke 1:45).  faith.
              In the passage above, we can see that one of the criterion of  When  we  become  possessed  with  this  conviction,
              being blessed is to believe that there would be a performance  established in it, God always does what He has said, at His
              of whatever God has spoken concerning our lives.  From  appointed time. With Him, speaking and doing always go
              insight, Mary’s heart believed the good news and her mouth  together; the deed always follows the Word:
              echoed ‘Yes Lord’ to what was proclaimed by the angel of
                                                                    "Hath He said, and shall He not do it?" (Num 23:19).
              God.  en, there was manifestation of what she believed
              and said amen to.  at is faith in action.  However, we  To keep us on our toes whilst waiting, God desires that we
              cannot exercise the Biblical faith without believing.    become importunate; praying without ceasing; worshipping
                                                                    him in anticipation of what we have received but is yet to
              Biblical faith is usually conditional; an ‘if’ and ‘then’:
                                                                    manifest.  He delights in those who “keep not silence, And
              “Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you  give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make (their)
              would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)             Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Isa 62:6-7).
              “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on  Abraham was fully assured that God would fulfil what He
              ee…” (Isa 26:3).                                     had promised him (Rom 4;21). Paul firmly believed that it
                                                                    shall be even as God has spoken (Acts 27:25). Even, Albert
              “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,
                                                                    Einstein said, "It is better to believe than to disbelieve, in
              and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
                                                                    so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility."
              then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal
              their land” (2 Chr 7:14).
                                                                    Faith is nothing more than the certainty that God speaks
              “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my  the truth: "I know for certain that this promise is truth, and
              covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples,  that You will fulfil it." Every day, we must make at least a
              for all the earth is mine;” (Exo 19:5).               verse of the scriptures the subject of special reflection in
                                                                    order to strengthen our faith.    No matter how weak we
              In  the  examples,  we  see  that  faith  and  belief  are
                                                                    may be, we have been empowered by God to believe that
              inter-twined; working hand in hand.  Faith is the ‘advance
                                                                    He will perform whatever He has spoken concerning us
              information’ (received from God) we have at hand to act
                                                                    because His Spirit lives in us.
              upon.  Believe (like a verb) involves doing; that is, acting
              upon our faith (the advance information).  Whenever we  erefore, let us:
              receive a word from God, we must ask the Holy Spirit to  t Surrender every aspect of our lives to God
              enlighten us as to what action to take in order to secure the  t Ask God for power to walk daily with Him
              fulfilment of it.                                     t Securely hold the promise
                                                                    t Ask God for the ability to patiently wait and endure till
              Our action could be spiritual:
                                                                    our change come and
              t  Settling our mind on Him so that he may keep us in
                                                                    t Trust God for the fulfilment.
              perfect peace (Isa 26:3).
              t    Obeying  God’s  word  and  keeping  his  covenant
              (Exo 19:5).
              Or physical:
              u Praying,  seeking  God’s  face  and  turning  from  our                               e Potter’s Vessel
              wicked ways (2 Chr 7:14)
              u    Bringing  tithes  and  offering  into  God’s  house
              (Mal 3:10-12).

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