Page 20 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
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             WHAT’S NEW ?

         New Website: Browse and book your
         favourite society golf venues by using our
         enhanced search functionality.

              NEW WEBSITE                PRICE PROMISE             EXPERIENCED TEAM

         Our  new  website  is  designed   The mygolfSociety Price Prom-  Our  team  has  over  50  years’
         with  the  ‘society  golfer’  in   ise is our guarantee that each   experience  working  within  the
         mind  and  has  a  host  of  new   time you book a partner course   Irish  golf  industry  and  have
         features, including enhanced   with us, you are getting the best   booked thousands of golf out-
         Search  Functionality,  over  possible society rate. If you see   ings for societies right across
         150 golf courses, over 50   one of our partner courses   the country. During this time,
         golf  breaks, society  golf  plan-  advertised  cheaper  within  24   we  have  gained  an  extensive
         ner, society points scheme,   hours of the booking, please let   range of knowledge that allows
         society  community,  zoom   us know and we will do our very   us to give relevant and useful
         meeting functionality, price   best to match this rate for you -   advice when it comes to book-
         promise and much more.      that’s our promise to you!  ing a society or corporate event.
                                                                     SOCIETY GOLF
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