Page 23 - The Golf Society Bible 2022
P. 23

                                                               SOCIETY OUTING
                                                               WITH JUST A FEW

                                                                  EACH YEAR WE USE
                                                                 MYGOLFSOCIETY TO BOOK
              WE LOVE TO             Our dedicated team of soci-  OUR OUTINGS AND ALWAYS
               HEAR FROM             ety golf experts are on hand   RECEIVED AN EXCELLENT
          HAPPY CUSTOMERS            to ensure the booking process   SERVICE WHICH ENSURES

                                     is as seamless as possible.  THAT WE GET THE BEST
         Customer satisfaction and                               RATES FOR OUR SOCIETY
         retention is the key to our      OUR CUSTOMER RATING    - The Tavern | GolfSociety
         success. We love happy cus-            - TRUSTED BY 200+ GOLF SOCIETIES
         tomers and because of this,
         we  put  a  massive  focus  on               BOOK WITH US
         providing an unrivalled experi-
         ence,  which  make  things  eas-  For more information about how to start booking your 2022 soci-
         ier for society golf organisers   ety outings visit, email info@mygolfsociety.
         to book a calendar of events.   ie or call our team on 01-9041130.

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