Page 15 - Killarney Golf & Fishing Club - 5 Year Vision
P. 15

                        DEFINITION                To refine the current cutting patterns of the tees, fairways, approaches, first and
                                                  second cuts which will allow each area to complement the other.

                        SWARD COMPOSITION         To eradicate coarser, non-rhizomatous grass types and to introduce stoloniferous
                                                  fine leaved fescue and bent grasses which will better support the golf ball.

                                                  To  adopt  a  planting  plan  which  will  enhance  the  parkland  nature  of  the  golf
                        ARBORICULTURE             courses.  This  will  be  achieved  through  the  use  of  indigenous  broadleaved  and
                                                  coniferous trees such as Oak, Birch, Scots Pine, Rowan Ash and Hazel.

                        BIODIVERSITY              To transform the areas of non-maintained rough to wildflower meadows which will

                                                  support and harbour insects, pollinators and wildlife.

                        LANDSCAPE                 To  enhance  and  maintain  the  vistas  of  Lough  Leane  and  the  surrounding
                                                  splendour of Killarney National Park.

                        SUSTAINABILITY            To move away from our reliance on the use of pesticides, toward a non-chemical
                                                  cultural management programme which closely aligns with European Directives.

                                                  To replace the ten year old machinery with a new fleet that will allow us to support
                        MACHINERY                 the  overall  programme.  This  will  optimise  the  presentation  of  the  golf  courses
                                                  while increasing productivity.

                                                                                           FIVE YEAR VISION
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