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          Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade                                                                           Eastern Treasures

          Sailing past the Iron Gates

         to over 100,000 square metres,   remains of a Roman structure. The   and sail towards Budapest.  for a city tour, including the
         and contains 272 authentic   excursion will end with a visit to               famous Ringstrasse and the
         peasant farms and houses from   Vidin for a performance of classical   Day 9 Budapest. Arrive early   Old Quarter and St Stephan’s
         all over Romania. Afterwards   music by a string quartet from the   this morning and after breakfast   Cathedral. Alternatively join an
         we head to the port of Giurgiu   wonderful Vidin Philharmonic.   depart on a tour of Hungary’s   excursion to Schonbrunn Palace
         where we re-join our vessel and                     elegant capital. The excursion   and Gardens, the favourite
         sail onto Rousse for an overnight   Day 6 Cruising through the   will include the old quarter, a   summer residence of Maria
         mooring. After dinner this evening   Iron Gates. Today the scenery   visit to Matthias Church, and the   Theresa. Return to the ship and
         we will be entertained by a lively   becomes truly spectacular as we   Fisherman’s Bastion from where   this evening gather with your
         Bulgarian folk troupe.    cruise through the Iron Gates, a   there are stunning views of the   fellow travellers for the Farewell
                                   narrow Danube gorge between   city. Return to the ship for lunch   Drinks & Gala Dinner.
         Day 4 Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.   the Carpathian and Balkan   and this afternoon is at leisure to
         From Rousse we depart by   Mountains.               explore ashore or relax on board   Day 11 Vienna to London.
         coach for a full day tour to Veliko                 the ship.                 Disembark after breakfast and
         Tarnovo, the capital of the Second   Day 7 Belgrade, Serbia. Arrive in        either enjoy a morning ashore
         Bulgarian Kingdom from 1187 to   Belgrade this morning and join a   Day 10 Vienna, Austria. This   at leisure or join an excursion
         1393. The city formed a natural   tour of the city’s main attractions   morning relax on board as we   to Vienna Woods before your
         fortress, located on three hills   including Saint Sava Cathedral,   cruise towards Vienna, arriving   return to London by scheduled
         surrounding the Yantra River. A   the largest Orthodox Church in   around midday. After lunch depart   flight.
         palace, fortifications and churches   the world and Tito’s Memorial.
         were built into the terrain. Across   The tour will end with an excellent
         the river, ancient stone houses   dance display from a local folklore
         seemingly perched on top of each   troupe. Sail in the afternoon
         other rise up the steep riverbank.   towards Mohacs.  PRICES PER PERSON
                                                             Based on double occupancy
         After lunch in a local restaurant
         visit the museum town of   Day 8 Pecs & Villany, Hungary.   SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £300 PER PERSON FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY
         Arbanassi, famous for its 17th and   Arrive into Mohacs this morning
         18th architecture and the unique   and after breakfast we depart for            BROCHURE  SPECIAL OFFER
         Church of the Nativity of Christ.   a full day scenic tour of Pecs and   CATEGORY  PRICE     PRICE
         We return to our ship at Svistov   Villany. The city of Pecs enjoys a     1  Standard Suite      £2495   £2195
         and sail.                 fine position on the slopes of the     2  Balcony Suite      £2795   £2495
                                   Mecsek Hills. The visit will feature     3  Deluxe Balcony Suite      £2895   £2595
         Day 5 Belogradchik & Vidin. This   the sites associated with the city’s     4  Junior Balcony Suite      £3295   £2995
         morning we continue cruising,   Roman Ottoman Hapsburg past,     5  Royal Balcony Suite      £3695   £3395
         reaching the Bulgarian port of   as well as a short organ recital     6  Royal Panorama Suite      £4295   £3995
         Vidin in the early afternoon. After   in the splendid Pecs Cathedral.     1  Standard Suite for sole use   £2495   £2195
         lunch on board we will drive to   Continue on to the town of Villany     2  Balcony Suite for sole use    £2795   £2495
         Belogradchik which is located   where we will enjoy lunch and
         close to the Serbian border. The   a wine tasting. Villany is one of   PRICE INCLUDES: Economy class scheduled air travel • 10 nights
         Belogradchik Rocks are a famous   Hungary’s top wine regions, known   aboard the MS Royal Emerald on full board basis • House wine, beer
         Bulgarian beauty spot. The   for its reds and rosés. Thanks to   & soft drinks with lunch and dinner • Shore excursions • Gratuities
         sandstone has been weathered   the area’s sub-Mediterranean   • Guest Speaker • Cruise Director • Tour Manager • Transfers • Port
         into all manner of bizarre shapes,   climate, wines from Villany are   taxes • Airport taxes.
         and housed amongst the rocks   full-bodied and spicy and of the   Not Included: Travel insurance.
         is an Ottoman fort, built on the   highest quality. Return to the ship

         +44 (0)20 7752 0000                                                                                  13
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