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romantic castles, lush vineyards   Day 11 Nuremberg. Nuremberg’s
                                                             and the infamous Lorelei rock.   long and sometimes troubled
                                                             Arrive into Rudesheim in the   history has left its mark on
                                                             late afternoon, and on arrival we   the city and there is plenty to
                                                             take the Winzerexpress mini-  discover during our morning tour.
                                                             train to visit Siegfried’s Musical   Three towering castles overlook
                                                             Instrument Museum, home to one   Nuremberg, and its old city which
                                                             of Germany’s most fascinating   is contained within vast walls is a
                                                             collections of automated musical   joy to explore. Visit the World War
                                                             instruments. Return to the ship   II sites, including the Third Reich   From Amsterdam to the Black Sea
                                                             for dinner, after which there will   Party Rally Grounds. Discover
                                                             be some free time in port and we   the city’s spectacular Medieval
                                                             recommend a visit to the town’s   architecture, including the 900
                                                             lively Drosselgasse to sample the   year-old ramparts that surround
                                                             famous Rudesheimer Kaffee. Sail   the city, the Imperial Castle and
                                                             in the late evening.      more. Sail at lunchtime and
                                                                                       continue cruising through the
                                                             Day 7 Mainz. Arrive early this   highest point of any commercial
                                                             morning in atmospheric Mainz.   waterway in Europe, 1331 feet
                                                             Our walking tour here will include   above sea level.
                                                             the Hoefchen (“Little Court”),
                                                             residence of the city’s archbishops   Day 12 Regensburg. Early this
                                                             until the 15th century and the   morning we enter the Danube
          Melk Abbey                                         Kirschgarten with its romantic   River, arriving in Regensburg after
                                                             half-timbered houses and Marian-  breakfast. Join a guided stroll
                                                             Fountain. Your tour ends with   around historic Regensburg, and
         The Itinerary                                       a visit to the Johan Gutenberg   see the highlights such as the Old
                                                             Museum. Sail at lunchtime as we   Town Hall, the World Heritage
         Day 1 London/Manchester/   to the MS Royal Emerald for a late   enter the River Main.  listed city centre and the ancient
         Bristol/Edinburgh to Amsterdam,   lunch and sail towards Cologne.             Romanesque Porta Praetoria.
         Netherlands. Fly by scheduled                       Day 8 Miltenberg & Wertheim.   Return to the ship for lunch and
         flight. On arrival transfer to the MS   Day 4 Cologne, Germany. This   This morning on a walking tour,   enjoy a relaxing afternoon of
         Royal Emerald. Moor overnight in   morning cruise the legendary   see the pretty Franconian town   cruising as we head towards Melk.
         Amsterdam.                Rhine. Pass Duisburg and   of Miltenberg, known for its half-
                                   Dusseldorf before arriving in   timbered Medieval houses. Return   Day 13 Melk, Austria. Morning
         Day 2 Amsterdam. After    Cologne for a tour to see the city’s   to the ship for lunch whilst sailing   cruising, arriving into Melk after
         breakfast depart for a visit to   famous cathedral. The cathedral   on to beautiful Wertheim. Enjoy   lunch, where we will enjoy a
         the Rijksmuseum, arguably   is the largest Gothic church in   some free time in this charming   guided tour of this magnificent
         Amsterdam’s most important   northern Europe, with a total area   market town.   abbey. Return to the ship for lunch
         art venue. Housing some   of almost 8000 square metres,                       and continue our sail through the
         of the greatest examples of   room for more than 20,000 people   Day 9 Wurzburg. Arrive this   beautiful Wachau Valley towards
         Western European painting and   and the second tallest spire   morning in historic Wurzburg,   Vienna.
         decorative arts, it boasts works   and largest façade in the world.   the wine capital of Franconia.
         by Vermeer, Goya, and Rubens.   Afterwards visit a “Brauhaus” to   Tour this lovely town including   Day 14 Vienna. This morning we
         Here, Rembrandt’s famous ‘The   sample some of the local Kolsch   the magnificent Prince Bishop’s   offer a choice of Viennese tours.
         Night Watch’ hangs in the Hall   beer. Sail in the evening.    Residenz Palace. The visit ends   Firstly, a city tour of Austria’s
         of Honour. Return to the ship                       with a tasting of local wines in the   elegant capital. See the famous
         for lunch and this afternoon is   Day 5 Day 5 Koblenz, Burg   splendid cellars of the Residenz.   Ringstrasse and the Old Quarter
         at leisure, or you may wish to   Thurant & Alken. After breakfast   Also see the old town with its   including St Stephan’s Cathedral.
         join one of our included tours.   today we depart for a gentle   collection of churches which range   Alternatively, you may prefer to
         Firstly on offer is a canal cruise,   walking tour of this historic   in style from Romanesque to   join our tour to see Schonbrunn
         the perfect way to admire the   commercial centre. Return to the   Gothic, Renaissance to Baroque,   Palace and Gardens, the favourite
         city from a glass-top boat as you   ship for lunch and this afternoon   before returning to the ship for   summer residence of Maria
         glide past 17th century homes,   we set off for our scenic trip to   lunch as we sail to Bamberg.  Theresa. Return to the ship for
         churches and 16th century   nearby Alken. Our first stop will be              lunch and an afternoon at leisure
         merchant houses. Alternatively,   at majestic Burg Thurant, whose   Day 10 Bamberg. This morning   to relax or explore this grand city
         visit the Van Gogh Museum which   ancient ruins dominate the village   enter the Main Danube Canal   further. This evening there will
         houses one of the world’s largest   from on high. The views from   at Bamberg, one of Germany’s   be an opportunity to attend an
         collection of works by the artist   here are wonderful. We then visit   most beautiful historic towns.   optional evening of music ashore
         including ‘Almond Blossom’ and   Alken, one of the Moselle’s oldest   Its geographical location, some   at the State Opera House or
         ‘The Bedroom’. This evening join   settlements, tracing its roots to   40 miles north of Nuremberg   Volksopera (subject to availability).
         your fellow travellers for Welcome   Celtic and Roman times. Enjoy   was a key factor in preserving
         Drinks & Dinner on board.  a wine tasting here, followed by   its magnificent architectural   Day 15 Bratislava, Slovakia.
                                   some free time to explore the   heritage from the ravages of   Arrive early this morning in the
         Day 3 Keukenhof Gardens. From   streets with half-timbered houses   war. Every European style from   Slovak capital of Bratislava. Join
         Amsterdam, drive to nearby   and flower-filled window boxes.   the Romanesque onwards has   a guided walking tour of the city,
         Keukenhof Gardens for a morning   Later we return to the MS Royal   left its mark on Bamberg, each   formerly known as Pressburg, a
         in this extraordinary horticultural   Emerald in Koblenz where we   bequeathing at least one major   former capital of Hungary. See the
         heaven. With 32 hectares of   moor overnight.       building. We arrive around   old quarter, the ornate Baroque
         flowers, more than 7 million                        midday, and after lunch on board   Palace and the ancient city gates.
         bulbs in bloom and 800 varieties   Day 6 Rhine Gorge to Rudesheim.   we will have a walking tour of this   Finish your tour with a visit to the
         of tulips, this is a truly unique   Depart Koblenz this morning and   beautiful Medieval city. Return   beautiful Klarissen Church where
         and unforgettable experience.   sail through the dramatic Rhine   to the ship and sail in the early   a string quartet will perform a
         Following our visit we will return   Gorge to Rudesheim, passing   evening.   concert of music by Dvorak and

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