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Timeless Landscapes of

           the Low Countries

           A scenic river voyage discovering the history & culture of Holland and Belgium
           15  to 24 April 2018

               ur springtime exploration of Holland and Belgium is a wonderful mix
                                                                                          THE NETHERLANDS
           Oof art, culture and history. For art lovers we have included the fine
           establishments of Amsterdam and The Hague whilst we will also visit the   NORTH
           horticultural splendours of Keukenhof and the pretty towns of the Zuider
           Zee. Not forgetting the beautiful Flemish cities, we also spend time in   Amsterdam  Hoorn Edam
           Antwerp, Ghent and Bruges where we will explore the historic canals,                 Volendam
           cobbled streets and Medieval buildings. From the comfort of the elegant              Utrecht  Het Loo
           MS Royal Emerald, we will criss-cross the intricate network of rivers and   Rotterdam  Dordrecht  Arnhem
           waterways that make the Low Countries such a unique region and will              Kinderdijk
           witness the gentle landscape and picturesque cities and towns which so
           inspired the Old Masters.                                                   Ghent    Antwerp

             ITINERARY HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                          CZECH
             n   Amsterdam’s art treasures in the Rijksmuseum and
               Van Gogh Museum
             n  Keukenhof Gardens at Lisse
             n  Nijmegen, Holland’s oldest city                                                     FRANCE                                                                             SLOVAKIA
             n   Majestic Het Loo Palace & Gardens or Arnhem’s Airborne                                        Rhine
             n  Antwerp’s Medieval gems & Ruben’s House                                                                                                                                  DANUBE
             n  The beautiful cities of Ghent and Bruges                                                                                                  AUSTRIA
             n  Mauritshuis Museum in The Hague & Delft Blue Pottery                                                                                                                          HUNGARY
             n  Holland’s Zuider Zee communities                                                            SWITZERLAND
                                                                                                     Keukenhof Gardens

           The Itinerary              of Zaanse Schans, famous for   Bedroom’. Return to the ship and   art collector Helene Kroller-Muller
                                      its beautiful windmills. Here,   sail overnight to Nijmegen.  and opened in 1938. Return to the                                    CROATIA
           Day 1 London, Bristol, Manchester   you will enjoy a cheese-making            ship and sail on towards the city of
           or Edinburgh to Amsterdam,   demonstration and a tasting. Join   Day 4 Arnhem. After breakfast   Antwerp.                                                                                                                                         Danube
           Netherlands. Fly from your chosen   the Welcome Drinks and Dinner   on board we depart on excursion
           airport by scheduled flight or travel   on board this evening. Moor   to the Palace of Het Loo, the   Day 5 Antwerp, Belgium. Arrive in                                                              IRON
           by train in Standard Premier Class   overnight.     favoured summer residence of   Belgium’s charming city of Antwerp.
           from London St Pancras. Drive to                    the Dutch Royal family from 1686   In the mid-16th century it was one of
           the MS Royal Emerald and embark.   Day 3 Amsterdam. After breakfast   to 1975. The Palace and grounds   Europe’s most important cities and                                                                                        Danube
           Moor overnight in Amsterdam.  today we will depart for nearby   have undergone a spectacular   home to Baroque painter Pieter Paul
                                      Keukenhof Gardens for a morning   restoration returning them   Rubens. Today, Antwerp retains an
           Day 2 Amsterdam. After     in this extraordinary horticultural   to their original 17th century   intriguing Medieval heart alongside                                                   SERBIA
           breakfast on board, depart   heaven. With 32 hectares of   splendour. Return to the ship for   a vibrant café culture, a riverside                                                                             BULGARIA                         BLACK
           for a visit to the Rijksmuseum,   flowers, more than 7 million   lunch and this afternoon there is   fortress and a truly impressive                                                                                                             SEA
           arguably Amsterdam’s most   bulbs in bloom and 800 varieties   a choice of included tours; you   Gothic cathedral. Our morning
           important art venue. Housing   of tulips, this is a truly unique   may wish to visit the memorable   tour here will include a visit to the
           some of the greatest examples of   and unforgettable experience.   Airborne Museum ‘Hartenstein’;   delightfully restored Rubens House
           Western European painting and   Following our visit we will return   this renovated building houses   and St Jacobskerk. Return to the
           decorative arts, it boasts works by   to the MS Royal Emerald for a   the world’s largest collection   ship for lunch and this afternoon is
           Vermeer, Goya, and Rubens and   late lunch. The afternoon is at   of militaria from Operation   free to explore ashore further. We
           Rembrandt’s famous ‘The Night   leisure, or you may wish to join our   Market Garden. Alternatively,   will offer an optional tour to visit the
           Watch’ hangs in the Hall of Honour.   included visit to the impressive Van   enjoy a visit to the Kroller-Muller   Museum Plantin-Moretus, which has
           Return to the ship for lunch and an   Gogh Museum, which houses one   Museum, a national art museum   acquired UNESCO World Heritage
           afternoon at leisure. Alternatively,   of the world’s largest collections   and sculpture garden, located in   Status; an astonishing place which is
           there will be an included tour to   of work by the artist including   the Hoge Veluwe National Park.   home to the world’s oldest printing
           the nearby picturesque village   ‘Almond Blossom’ and ‘The   The museum was founded by   press and priceless manuscripts. Sail

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