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The Palace and Gardens of Het Loo                            Amsterdam                                  Glorious Gardens & the Golden Age of Dutch Art

         Day 3 Amsterdam. After breakfast   this afternoon there will be a   a morning in this extraordinary   dates from the 13th century. The
         today we will depart for the Van   choice of two included excursions.   horticultural heaven. With 32   castle was completely restored
         Gogh Museum which houses one   Choose from a trip to visit the   hectares of flowers, more than   in the 20th century by renowned
         of the world’s largest collection   memorable Airborne Museum   7 million bulbs in bloom and   architect Pierre Cuypers for the
         of works by the artist, including   ‘‘Hartenstein’’; this renovated   800 varieties of tulips, this is a   wealthy Van Zuylen family. Our visit
         ‘Almond Blossom‘ and ‘The   building houses the world’s   truly unique and unforgettable   will include a tour of the beautiful
         Bedroom‘. Return to the ship for   largest collection of militaria   experience. Afterwards we will   interior as well as some time in the
         lunch and this afternoon there will   from Operation Market Garden.   return to the MS Royal Emerald for   surrounding park and gardens.
         be a choice of included excursions.   Alternatively, enjoy a visit to the   a late lunch and time at leisure in   Return to the ship for lunch and
         Join a relaxing canal cruise, one of   wonderful De Wiersse Gardens,   Utrecht. Alternatively, continue with   enjoy an afternoon at leisure in
         the most interesting ways to see   a moated manor house designed   an optional afternoon excursion to   this pretty town. Alternatively,
         this unique city. Alternatively, join   and managed by the family since   Haarlem. The excursion includes   join our included tour of
         our visit to the Hermitage Museum   1678. This evening we sail towards   lunch in a local restaurant on   Utrecht’s Botanical Gardens at
         and their exhibition “Dutch Masters   Dordrecht.    arrival, followed by visits to the   Fort Hoofddijk, a unique natural
         on the Amstel”. The Hermitage’s                     17th century Church of St. Bavo,   treasure consisting of thousands
         collection of paintings, prints and   Day 6 Dordrecht & Kinderdijk.   immortalised in the artwork of   of plant species. This evening
         drawings by Dutch Masters is one   Depart this morning for a visit to   Dutch painters Pieter Saenredam   enjoy Farewell Drinks and Dinner
         of the worlds’ largest. Return to the   see the marvellous Windmills of   and Gerrit Berckheyde, and the   on board as we sail towards
         MS Royal Emerald and sail in the   Kinderdijk, of which there are 19   Frans Hals Museum, home to a   Amsterdam.
         evening to Hoorn where we moor   in total, dating from 1740. Now   spectacular display of 16th and
         overnight.                a UNESCO World Heritage Site,   17th century portraits, still life’s and   Day 10 Amsterdam to London,
                                   this ingenious system of windmills   landscapes.    Bristol, Manchester or Edinburgh.
         Day 4 Hoorn, Edam & Volendam.   and water management has been                 Disembark after breakfast and
         After breakfast on board we   in operation here for nearly a   Day 9 Utrecht. This morning we   return to your chosen UK airport
         depart for our exploration of   thousand years and makes for a   will drive the short distance to   by scheduled flight or to London
         the Zuider Zee. We will drive to   fascinating visit. Return to your   the nearby De Haar Castle, which   St Pancras by Eurostar.
         Edam, a tranquil little town with   ship for lunch and this afternoon
         drawbridges across canals and   is free to explore Dordrecht with
         charming historic houses with   its old world atmosphere and
         lovely facades. We then continue   quaint cottages and canals. Sail   PRICES PER PERSON
         on to the attractive town of   on towards Rotterdam in the early   Based on double occupancy
         Volendam to see its colourful   evening.
         wooden houses and old fishing                       SPECIAL OFFER – SAVE £500 PER PERSON FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY
         boats in the harbour. Enjoy some   Day 7 Rotterdam, The Hague,                  BROCHURE  SPECIAL OFFER
         free time here before returning to   Delft. From Rotterdam we depart   CATEGORY   PRICE      PRICE
         the ship in Hoorn for lunch. This   for a full day tour. Our first stop     1  Standard Suite      £2495   £1995
         afternoon is at leisure to enjoy   will be The Hague for a visit to the     2  Balcony Suite      £2795   £2295
         some free time in this pretty 16th   beautiful Mauritshuis Museum with     3  Deluxe Balcony Suite      £2895   £2395
         century town. Later we set sail for   its marvellous collection of Dutch     4  Junior Balcony Suite      £3295   £2795
         Arnhem.                   Golden Age paintings. Afterwards     5  Royal Balcony Suite      £3695   £3195
                                   continue on to Delft, birthplace     6  Royal Panorama Suite      £4295   £3795
         Day 5 Arnhem & Het Loo.   of Vermeer. We will have lunch in     1  Standard Suite for sole use   £2495   £1995
         Arrive this morning into Arnhem.   a local restaurant on arrival, and     2  Balcony Suite for sole use    £2795   £2295
         After breakfast on board join an   afterwards take a walking tour of
         excursion to the Palace of Het Loo,   this pretty town, finishing with a   PRICE INCLUDES: Economy class scheduled air travel or Eurostar
         the favoured summer residence of   visit to see the Delft Blue Pottery.   train travel in Standard Premier Class • Nine nights aboard the
         the Dutch Royal family from 1686   Return to the ship and sail to   MS Royal Emerald on full board basis • House wine, beer and soft
         to 1975. The Palace and grounds   Utrecht for an overnight mooring.   drinks with lunch and dinner • Shore excursions • Gratuities • Cruise
         have undergone a spectacular                         Director • Tour Manager • Guest Speaker • Transfers • Port taxes •
         restoration returning them to their   Day 8 Keukenhof Gardens &   Airport taxes.
         original 17th century splendour.   Haarlem. After breakfast drive to   Not Included: Travel insurance, optional excursions on days 2 & 8.
         Return to the ship for lunch and   nearby Keukenhof Gardens for

         +44 (0)20 7752 0000                                                                                   5
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