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HUnar : defining element of growth
Top Stories Inauguration of Human Comfort &
Engineering Lab at Chitkara University
Inauguration of HVAC- Psychrometry HUMAN COMFORT ENGINEERING Lab
Lab at Chitkara University was inaugurated by Sh. Pankaj Dharkar,
Chairman, Green Eco-Friendly Movement
HVAC- PSYCHROMETRY Lab was (GEM), on 18 December, 2018. The main
inaugurated by Sh. YOZO ITO, Director – LE objective of this lab is to make students aware
Division, Mitsubishi Electric India, at Chitkara about design and technical knowhow of clean
University on 18 December, 2018. The main indoor air quality and thermal comfort.
objective of this lab is to familiarize students
with the common psychrometric properties of
air and instruments used to measure these
Inauguration of ISHRAE Student
Chapter at Chitkara University
On the occasion of World Environment Day,
Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Inauguration of HVAC- Clean Room Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) student
Lab at Chitkara University chapter was inaugurated at Chitkara University
HVAC- CLEAN ROOM Lab was inaugurated campus on April 22, 2019 by Mr. Ajay Bansal,
by Sh. C. Subramanian, National President, President, ISHRAE (Chandigarh Chapter). He
ISHRAE, on 18 December, 2018. The main was accompanied by Mr. Jaspreet Singh,
objective of this lab is to control President (Elect), ISHRAE (Chandigarh
the environment by limiting the presence of Chapter and Mr. Rajan Mittal, Secretary
sub-micron particles and modifying inadequate ISHRAE (Chandigarh Chapter). Students were
environmental conditions. The level to which briefed about benefits for being ISHRAE
the environment is controlled is what separates members. Inaugural was concluded with a tree
one clean room from another. plantation in front of TESLA block.
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