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HUnar : defining element of growth

               Kone  Elevators  India  -  New  Plant            What it takes to be an engineer
               Inauguration                                     Mr.    Raghavan,   Head-Memberships     &
               Kone Elevators, A trusted responsible brand in   Affiliations,  IET  (Institute  of  Engineering  &
               Vertical  Transportation,  which   includes      Technology,  UK)  paid  a  visit  to  Chitkara
               manufacturing, sales, supply, service and after   University  on  13th  Nov'  2019.  The  visit  is
               sales of Elevators, Escalators & Auto Walks.     primarily  to  discuss  student  level  activities,
               Kone Elevators India is partner to CCAE and      student  club  formation,  campus  accreditation
               we have jointly launched program of Diploma      and  others.  CCAE  has  effectively  utilized
               Mechanical     Engineering   in    Vertical      presence of Mr. Raghavan and his experience
               Transportation.  Under  this  initiative,  CCAE   in handling various engineering & technology
               faculties are being trained by Kone on vertical   education  campuses  to  deliver  expert  talk  on
               Transportation  and  team  of  experts  are      "What it takes to be an engineer?"
               working  to  form  maiden  curriculum,  which    Prof.   Dhanasekaran   complimented   Mr.
               will set standards for the rest of the industry to   Raghavan for touching really important points
               follow.                                          and  also  thanked  him  for  sparing  time  to
               Kone  Elevators  India  recently  built  a  new   address the students.
               green  field  manufacturing  plant  which  was
               inaugurated on 5  Nov, 2019 by His Highness
               Sh.  Banwarilal  Prohit,  Hon'ble  Governor  of
               Tamil  Nadu  and  jointly  inaugurated  by
               Chairmen  of  the  Board  of  Kone  Elevators,
               Prof. Dhanasekaran was invited by Kone
               Elevators  as  VVIP  Guest  and  to  be  the
               part  of  the  inauguration  event  and  to  be
               part of signature delegate panel.

                                                                URJAVARAN' 2019
                                                                URJAVARAN  is  the  flagship  event  of
                                                                ISHRAE  Chandigarh  Chapter  and  it  takes
                                                                place once a year in grand gala way. Urjavaran
                                                                2019  took  place  at  Hotel  Shivalik  View  on
                                                                Saturday,  16th  Nov,  2019.  This  event  brings
                                                                Architects,  Technical  Consultants,  Technical
                                                                Contractors, Practicing Engineers, Engineering
                                                                Faculties,   Academicians   and   Aspiring
                                                                Students in common platform for information
                                                                sharing and knowledge enhancement.

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