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HUnar : defining element of growth
Expert Lecture on Concrete Technology time and knowledge and awarded a token to
by Mr. Vikas Malhotra respect to Dr. Rajesh Goyal.
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering
conducted an expert lecture on Concrete
Technology for 3 year students by Mr. Vikas
Malhotra from Jay Kay Cements, an eminent
expert in the field of concrete. He delivered an
extremely informative lecture on the behaviour
and performance of conventional and high-
performance concrete. The expert Lecture was
designed and structured in such a way that it
promoted fun and enjoyment with learning
which every student need. Dr. Rajeev K.
Sharma and Er. Arrik Khanna thanked the very
great personality of the day, Mr. Vikas Expert Talk - Mr. Subramaniam & Mr.
Malhotra, for taking time from his schedule Chandrasekar
and sharing knowledge and talent with the On 15th Nov, 2019 CCAE hosted Mr.
young minds of CCAE. Subramaniam, Immediate Past President-
ISHRAE & Expert in BMS (Building
Management Systems) and Mr. Chandrasekara
VP-South, ISHRAE & Expert in HVAC & R
for expert talk on Building Management
System (BMS) and Building Energy
Expert Lecture by Dr. Rajesh Goyal
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering
organized an expert talk on 20 September,
2019 by Dr. Rajesh Goyal on ‘High Rise
Structures: a practitioner’s viewpoint’. With
such informative and catchy talks, Dr. Rajesh
Goyal stirred up the minds of the young gems
of CCAE with excellence and tremendous
knowledge. Dr. Rajeev K. Sharma thanked the
eminent personality for sparing his valuable
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