Page 15 - Hunar
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HUnar : defining element of growth

               Faculty  Development  Program  on
               Chitkara  College  of  Applied  Engineering  has
               organized     three    day     ‘FACULTY
               DEVELOPMENT           PROGRAM          ON
               AUTOCAD’ from 27  to 29  June 2019. The
               FDP is conducted by Mr. Rajesh Yadav from
               the  company  Autodesk,  New  Delhi.  Dr.
               Rajeev  Kamal  Sharma  welcomed  the  guest
               speaker  and  addressed  the  faculty,  talking
               about  the  crowning  achievements  of  Dr.
               Rajesh Yadav in the field of AutoCAD.
               Dr.  Rajeev  K.  Sharma  thanked  the  eminent
               personality  for  sparing  his  valuable  time  and
               knowledge and awarded a token to respect to      Workshop on Fundamentals of Factory
               Mr. Rajesh Yadav.                                Automation  and  its  use  in  Process
                                                                Control Applications
                                                                Having gained good knowledge and exposure
                                                                to  the  various  intricacies  of  Factory
                                                                Automation  field  in  the  academic  sessions,
                                                                students of B. Tech Electrical Engineering, 5
                                                                semester were engaged in a 05 days intensive
                                                                and     comprehensive     workshop     on
                                                                “Fundamentals of Factory Automation and its
                                                                use   in   Process   Control   Applications”
                                                                conducted  from  02   September  2019  to  06
                                                                September 2019.
                                                                This  workshop  was  conducted  by  Mr.  Sumit
               Workshop  cum  Exhibition  on  Energy            Kumar and Mr. Pankaj Kumar Pundir.
               Efficiency in Residential Buildings
               Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) & Punjab
               Energy    Development    Agency    (PEDA)
               organized  a  02  day  workshop  on  Energy
               Efficiency in Residential Buildings on 1  and
               2   August  2019  at  Hotel  Hyatt,  Chandigarh.
               Key topics covered during this event included
               – (a) EcoNiwas Samhita Part 1 (b) Eco Niwas
               Samhita  Part  2  (c)  Star  label  for  energy
               efficient  homes.  Sumit  Kumar  attended  this
               event  to  gain  knowledge  on  various  key
               aspects   related   to   energy   efficiency
               implementation in Residential buildings.

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