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HUnar : defining element of growth
nearby local people by discussing the merits of discussing the hazard of plastic use. The
tree plantation. A special thanks to Forest cleaning drive is also covered by the print
department, Chandigarh for providing plants to media e.g. Dainik Jagran etc.
make the plantation drive smoothly. In the
end, a special thanks to Mr. Dhanasekaran, Dr.
Rajeev Kamal Sharma & Mr. Arrik Khanna
for inspiring our whole CCAE team for future
Visit to Mach Auto Expo
Mach Auto Expo 2019 is a platform where a
lot of crucial items will be showcased. Some
of these are about Industry, Hardware,
Automation Technology, Machinery, Machine
‘SAY NO TO PLASTIC’ Drive Tools and Industrial Products. The Visit was
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering has conducted with an objective to make students
jointly organized the ‘SAY NO TO PLASTIC’ of B. Tech.EE 6 sem- Factory Automation,
Drive in association with Municipal acquainted with the new components and new
Corporation, SAS Nagar Mohali-Punjab, technology in automation field.
Chandigarh on 1 October 2019 by Mr. Resource Person: Pankaj Kumar Pundir,
Gaurav Kalia, Assistant Professor and Mr. Lecturer CCAE, Vishal Saini (Lab Instructor).
Ankit Sharma, Assistant Professor. The event
is organized in collaboration with Honourable
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent
initiative “Swachta Abhiyan”. On the
auspicious day of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
this event has been takes place. Team CCAE
organized the SAY NO TO PLASTIC’ Drive
in the area of Phase-10 and Phase-11, SAS
Nagar, Mohali, Punjab. The event was begun
by welcoming Mr. Bhupinder pal Singh,
Commissioner and Dr. Kanu Thind, Joint
Commissioner followed by Mr. Gaurav Kalia
and Mr. Ankit Sharma, who addressed the
students and nearby shop keepers by
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