Page 18 - Hunar
P. 18
HUnar : defining element of growth
Site Visit at Amayra Greens, SAS Nagar A Visit to roof top solar water heater at
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering IHM Building, Chitkara University
organized asite visit with the help of IPA Campus, Jhansla
Chandigarh chapter for the real site practical Under the supervision of faculty members A. P
exposure of the students of civil engineering Mohit Pal Joshi, A. P Shashwat Mishra and
diploma at Amayra Greens, SAS Nagar Lab attendant Gurmail Singh, the students of
on April 25 2019. B. tech Civil Engg. 4 sem were taken to visit
site of a rooftop Solar Water Heater installed
on the roof of IHM building on May-08-2019.
The students were made aware of the practical
aspects of the solar water heater by giving
them hands on experience of the different
working components of the system (viz. the
water tanker, inlet-outlet piping system,
insulated solar panels).
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering
organized an industrial visit to Hartex Rubber
Industrial Visit at Inter solar systems Private Limited, Ludhiana for B. Tech 6
Pvt. Ltd, “Derabassi” semester students on 3 June, 2019. The visit
Chitkara College of Applied Engineering was very informative for the students as they
organized an Industrial visit with the help of were thoroughly made aware of the boiler’s
IPA Chandigarh chapter for the practical working process, manufacturing process and
exposure of the students of graduate Civil energy conversation. The students also gained
Engineering at Inter solar systems Pvt. Ltd, thorough knowledge about the energy losses
“Derabassi” on 24 April 2019. during the process and how to counteract those
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