Page 119 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 119
- Aarushi Bhargava
ith the knowledge With the coordination and examined various
W of the condition of the students, teachers spots along the bank
of rivers and land in and school authorities, to determine the water
India due to pollution, the students of DP -1 quality of the river. The
the students of DP - 1 planned a clean up first place they visited was
took up the responsibility drive at the banks of Wazirabad village which
to look for probable river Yamuna as a part lies between the Haryana
solutions. The students of their CAS project. - Delhi border. There they
collaboratively decided saw copious amounts of
to take small steps to The students initiated garbage in and around
improve the condition of their project on October the river basin. It was not
our rivers. 12, 2018. On the first a pleasant site.
day, the students visited