Page 78 - BEATS Secondary school
P. 78
- Kabir Bhatnagar
On October 11, 2018, a on the future of the
large group of students Global Labour Market,
from MYP 4, MYP 5 and an international crisis
DP1 flew to Dubai to the between the USA and
Winchester School in China and on data-
Dubai to attend a MUN driven healthcare on a
session. global scale.
The delegates The closing ceremony
participated in various awarded the respected
activities which gave delegates for their hard
them a chance to prove work and dedication.
themselves, as they Kabir Bhatnagar of MYP
brought the very essence 4 was awarded with a
of the United Nations to trophy for ‘Best Position
life. Paper (Press Corps). This
journey enabled students
Over the span of 3 days, to learn and express
delegates debated on their concerns about the
the implementation of ongoing problems In the
Artificial Intelligence world.