Page 79 - BEATS Secondary school
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PWSMUN - 2018

                                                                                - Mann Aswal

        12  students along  with  Students participated                     with successfully  formed
        Ms.      Kanchan        Misra     well and were prepared.           resolutions       for      the
        headed  out  to  Pathways  The night crisis  was a                  agenda.           Delegates
        World  School, Aravali  great  experience  for                      parted  ways with  their
        on  Friday,  September  most since it worked                        committee          members
        28  2018,  for  the PWS  the delegate’s fatigued                    and  moved  into  the
        Residential MUN.                  minds to  come up                 multipurpose hall for a
                                          with  creative and  well          closing ceremony.
        The  next day,  after  a  thought solutions to the
        wake-up call at 6 AM,  crisis.                                          Aryamoy       Mitra     of
        students      began      their                                      MYP  5  received  a High
        committee meetings.  All  Day 3 had to offer 3                      Commendation              and
        students used their free  committees, by  the                       Mann  Aswal  of  MYP
        time after the committees  end of which,  most                      5  received  a  Special
        had  ended,  to  research  committees                 formed        Mention.
        and      formulate      more      their draft resolutions
        points      to    make       a    for their agenda.
        meaningful contribution
        to     the     next     day’s     Finally, day 4 brought in
        committee meetings.               the final committee
                                          me e ti ng
         After dinner, all students  where             all
        were escorted into the  committees
        multipurpose hall for a  were
        soulful  play. Right after  closed
        the play finished, a night
        crisis  was announced
        for each committee! A
        night  crisis  is a  sudden
        crisis  situation that each
        committee is given to
        check      the    delegate’s
        knowledge,        readiness,
        and  understanding of
        the delegate’s country’s
        political      relationships.

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