Page 5 - 12 Days of Christmas 2021
P. 5
The Confirmation students at First Lutheran Church were asked to
reflect on who Jesus is. They thought about words that express who
Jesus is to them and then sought images that represent the words. They
paired the images and words with scriptures and their own personal
reflection. Our musically-talented members at First Lutheran also
contributed musical accompaniments to each student's reflection.
Starting today and each day through January 5, these reflections and
special performances will be shared with you in this digital book. Watch
the story of the 12 Days of Christmas unfold each day as we add a new
performance to the book. Just click on the link to this online book daily
to continue reading the 12 Days of Christmas story.
We hope these daily reflections help keep Christmas in your heart,
challenge you to think about who Jesus is to you and to live in God’s
love daily
Merry Christmas!