Page 15 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 15

The Story Behind the Carol                                        Bible Verse:

                                                                              Luke 10:27
       This is one of most beloved carols. Cantique de Noel,
       was  written  in  1847  by  an  atheist  and  popular  poet,
       Placide   Cappeau,   upon   request   by   a   French
                                                                 “You  shall  love  the  Lord  your  God  with  all
       Clergyman.   The   melody   was   written   by   Adolphe
                                                                 your   heart,   and   with   all   your   soul,   and
       Adam,   who   was   a   celebrated   composer   and   Jewish.
                                                                 with   all   your   strength,   and   with   all   your
       After Catholic churches in France found out the poet
                                                                 mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
       and   the   composer’s   beliefs,   this   beautiful   carol   was
       banned  until  an  event  took  place  during  the  Franco-
       Prussian  War.    This   carol   became   a   signature   song
       among   the   French   soldiers   to   encourage   each   other
       during   battles.      John   Dwight   who   translated   this
       carol   into   English   was   an   abolitionist.      It   became
       very   popular   during   the   Civil   War   among   the
       northerners.   Stanza   3   reminds   us   of   the   most
       important command that Jesus taught and put it into

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                 Performed by Liana Sandin, viola
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