Page 17 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 17

The Story Behind the Carol                                          Bible Verse:

                                                                           Ephesians 2:14-18

     This   beautiful   carol   was   composed   in   1917.   Both   the   text
     and the melody were written by Pietro Yo, who was born in
     Italy,   and   served   as   an   organist   for   the   Vatican   briefly
                                                                       For  he  is  our  peace;  in  his  flesh  he  has
     before   acquiring   prestigious   church   organist   positions   in
                                                                       made   both   groups   into   one   and   has
     New   York.   The   text   was   translated   by   Frederick   H.
                                                                       broken  down  the  dividing  wall,  that  is,
     Martens   who   translated   numerous   children’s   books.   The
                                                                       the   hostility   between   us.   He   has
     text   and   tune   of   the   refrains   are   from,   “O   Come   All   Ye
                                                                       abolished   the    law    with    its
     Faithful.”      Yon   used   the   melodic   theme   of   the   well   known
                                                                       commandments   and   ordinances,   that
     hymn   in   the   accompaniment   throughout   the   piece.   The
                                                                       he   might   create   in   himself   one   new
     peaceful,  calm  nature  of  this  carol  reminds  us  of  the  words
                                                                       humanity   in   place   of   the   two,   thus
     from   Ephesians.   The   poetic   verses   are   due   to   the   English
                                                                       making   peace,   and   might   reconcile
     translation. The literal translation is:
                                                                       both   groups   to   God   in   one   body
        1. In the humble hut, in cold and poverty,
                                                                       through   the   cross,   thus   putting   to
            The Holy infant is born, who the world will adore.
                                                                       death   that   hostility   through   it.   So   he
        2. Hosanna, hosanna, sing with a joyous heart,
                                                                       came and proclaimed peace to you who
            Your shepherds and angels, O King of light and love.
                                                                       were   far   off   and   peace   to   those   who
                                                                       were   near;   for   through   him   both   of   us
                                                                       have access in one Spirit to the Father.

                    Performed by Anna Kruse, viola
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