Page 54 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 54

All our events are free and open to the public, except the
              Caroline County                                   Adkins Arboretum event we are joining.

                    Bird Club                                   If you would like to become a member, the Maryland
                                                                Ornithological Society’s dues plus our $5 local dues are:
                                                                Individual $25; Household $30. With  your membership,
                Come join the Caroline County Bird Club -       you will also receive the MOS newsletter, THE
                                                                YELLOWTHROAT. For those age 18 or younger, the cost

                 The oldest Eastern Shore Chapter of The
                                                                is only $10. If at all possible, please register or renew your
                    Maryland Ornithological Society!
                                                                membership online at the MOS website, https://mdbirds.
                                                                org/join/. At the website, you will be able to choose the
            Maryland Ornithological Society (MOS) is a nonprofi t,
                                                                Caroline County Chapter as your local chapter.
            statewide organization of people who are interested in birds
            and nature. It was founded in 1945 and incorporated in 1956
                                                                Saturday, September 10. Meeting & Bird Walk. We will be
            to promote the study and enjoyment of birds. MOS promotes
                                                                joining the annual Adkins Arboretum Fall Bird Migration
            knowledge about our natural resources and fosters its   Walk lead by Wayne Bell  from 8–10 am. Free for members

            appreciation and conservation. The Society also maintains a   of Adkins Arboretum and Caroline County residents. Others
            system of sanctuaries to encourage the conservation of birds
                                                                just $5. Please register at
            and bird habitat, and to help record and publish observations
            of bird life.
                                                                walk-with-wayne-bell-september-10. A brief Club meeting
                                                                will be held following the walk.
            Please note that our Fall 2022 meetings have been moved from

            the third Thursday evening of the month. Meetings will be
                                                                Saturday, September 17, Fall Bird Count. Contact Debby
            combined with a bird walk or program at diff erent locations,
                                                                Bennett at
            mostly on the 2nd Saturday morning of the month. We are
            hoping this works better with people’s schedules.   Sunday, September 25, Field Trip. Bird Banding observation
                                                                at Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory,  8:00 AM. Great for
                                                                kids. Adults welcome too. To register and for directions,
              Now offering cleaning methods and products to      contact Debby Bennett at
             protect your home or business that are approved
             by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.   Saturday, October 1, Bird Walk. Lynch Preserve, Two Johns.
                                                                Leaders: Debby Bennett & friends, 8 am. Park/meet at the
                  Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan  end of Robins Creek Road. For more information about


                       for the disinfection of your home or businessss  the preserve, go to:
                                                                Sunday, October 9, Caroline’s Big Sit. Location: Adkins
                                                                Arboretum’s Wetlands Overlook near the Visitors Center.
                                                                Will run from 7:30 am to early evening for some owling.
                        Re s i                                  Dress comfortably, bring your binoculars, a chair to sit on,
                        Residential & Commercial
                         Construction Cleaning                  food and drink. We will consider this our monthly meeting
                           Window Cleaning                      for October and hold a brief business meeting – time TBA.
                      One time - Weekly  –  Bi-Weeklyy          Check out more Caroline County Bird Club information at:
                          Monthly or customize a      
                           schedule that’s right
              For                for you!                       And don’t forget to visit our Facebook page and Like us!  Just
              Over 25 years!                                    go to Caroline County Bird Club!
                         DCS                                                           Samaritan House
                Details Cleaning Service                                                 THRIFT SHOP

                                                                                            Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM
                                                                                             Sat. 9 AM - noon
                Owners: Chris &      Free        Bonded &
               Shelly Macmillan    Estimates      Insured                             Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post Office
              800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331           SERVING THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT
                                    Sponsored by United Concerned Christians

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