Page 50 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 50

contracts. This includes the advertised   •  Even though a salesperson assures
                                               add ons that CMS expects to be included   you that your doctors will accept
                                               in the health care policy, like vision,   their insurance, you must call all
               Spot                            may say the coverage is free, meaning   diagnostic centers to confi rm
                                                                                     of your providers, hospitals, and
            Senior          dental and hearing. The advertising
                                               that the healthcare company does not
                                                                                     that they accept a particular
                                               charge a premium, but the Medicare    Advantage plan. Last year people
                                               Advantage provider must deduct the    were signed up at seminars and
                    Senior Moments
                                               part B premium ($170.10 in 2022)      by phone for plans. Come January
                     by Mary Moran
                                               from your Social Security each month.   and February they had a rude
                       410-829-2535 / 410-490-3078

                                               Often the 20% co-pay benefi ciaries are   awakening when they discovered
                                               responsible for is spread out into smaller   they had to drive to Dover to
            Happy Fall! Now that September is here,
                                               copays for each part B service, and there   see a health care provider.
            SHIP is gearing up for the 2022 annual
                                               is always a large out of pocket TROOP
            Open Enrollment period. Although                                       •  Make sure you fully understand
                                               (True Out of Pocket) to be met annually
            Open Enrollment starts on October 15,                                    what your monthly and yearly

                                               by the beneficiary before full coverage
            the advertising for Medicare products on                                 maximum out-of-pocket costs will
                                               kicks in.
            TV, radio, and the internet will ramp up                                 be. Do not sign up until you do. In

            now. The junk mail will begin to fl ow, and   The advertising you see is presented   2022 people who misunderstood
            solicitation calls will increase from fast   nationally. Advantage works best in   the actual expenses and coverages
            talking sales reps trying to sell Medicare   highly populated areas where multiple   of Medicare Advantage when
            Advantage plans, supplemental plans,   Advantage health systems are geared to   they signed up got lucky and
            and prescription drug plans.       provide care to specifi c areas. Remember   were able to disenroll only
                                               that Advantage is limited geographically.   because of the equitable relief
            This annual advertising is aimed at                                      granted by Social Security due
                                               If one had Advantage coverage in
            Medicare beneficiaries seeking help                                      to a glitch in their telephone
                                               Delaware or Virginia and then moves to
            with vision, dental and hearing. The                                     systems. Normally one can only
                                               Caroline County, their health insurance
            only form of Medicare that off ers those
                                               will generally not transfer to the new
            extra coverages is Medicare Advantage.
            Medicare Advantage is not original
            Medicare, which is the one run by the   On the other hand, remember that
            Federal Government.                original Medicare, along with your
                                               supplemental policy, guarantees
            Advantage plans are run by for profit   coverage in every state in the union.
            healthcare companies who sign contracts
            with the federal government to provide   Before signing up for a Medicare
            healthcare to eligible benefi ciaries. Th e   Advantage plan on the Eastern Shore
            Center for Medicare and Medicaid   be sure to research three things.
            (CMS) oversees what is in those
                                                                                            ĂŝůLJ  ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ
                                                                                             RN on Call
                          TURNING 65?                                                   ,ŽŵĞ  ŽŽŬĞĚ DĞĂůƐ͕
                                                                                        ^ŶĂĐŬƐ Θ  ĞǀĞƌĂŐĞƐ
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                       >ĂƵŶĚƌLJ Θ ,ŽƵƐĞŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ
                                   Let Me Help You!                                      >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ ƚŽ WƌŽǀŝĚĞ
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                                                                                           DĞŵŽƌLJ  ĂƌĞ
                          Anthony Insurance Services                               ^ƉĞĐŝĂů  ŝĞƚ Θ  ŝŶŝŶŐ  ƐƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ
                                                                                   WŽƐƚͲƌĞŚĂďŝůŝƚĂƟŽŶ WĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŚŝƉƐ
                          Ann M. Anthony                                             ǁŝƚŚ  ŽĐƚŽƌƐ ĂŶĚ dŚĞƌĂƉŝƐƚƐ
                                                                                         ĂŶĚ ŵƵĐŚ ŵŽƌĞ͘͘͘

                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,           
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                    Come Home to Arcadia

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