Page 46 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 46



            Steven E. Callahan to Walter A.
            Bowman, Sandra L. Bowman, and
            Travis A. Bowman, Lot 3, Goldsboro
            Road, Henderson, $75,000.
            Joseph O. Cherbonnier to Kasey Leigh
            Johnson, 113 Main Street, Preston,
            $169,000.                                4FQUJD 5BOL $MFBOJOH t %SBJO -JOF 4FSWJDF
                                                      )JHI 1SFTTVSF +FUUJOH  7JEFP 1JQFMJOF *OTQFDUJPO
            Roger Mark Moore and Cara Schnapp
                                                              4UPSN %SBJOT   $VMWFSUT $MFBOFE
            Moore to Four-Ten Holdings                           -JET  3JTFST  (PVMET 1VNQT
            Corporation, 107 South 5th Avenue,
            Denton, $240,000.                              24 Hour Emergency Service!
                                                            .3 3005&3 t XXX NSSPPUFSNEEF DPN
            Henry Gibbons-Neff, Jr. and Kimberly

            J. Gibbons-Neff to Fabiha & Falah

            Properties, LLC, 328 N. Main Street,
            Federalsburg, $86,000.

            Third Williston, LLC to John W.
            Vickers and Michelle Lee Vickers, 542   STUMP
            N. Sixth Street, Denton, $204,000.
            Chamberlain Limited Liability       GRINDING
            Company to C. Kenneth Secrist and
                                                   FREE Estimates
            Carl Secrist, 308 Old Denton Road,
            Federalsburg, $12,500.               Tim & Jason Schreiber
            Jenny Rodenhizer to PHD Properties,   25490 Piney Branch Lane

            LLC, 108 South Third Street, Denton,   Denton, MD 21629     410-479-5517     443-786-7471
            Gregory D. Bee and Bobbi A. Bee to
            Mary Heidi Fellon, 305 W. Central
            Avenue, Federalsburg, $260,000.       Choptank Excavating, LLC
            Roger R. Ringgold, III and William
            R. Ringgold to Joshua Dean Paone
            and Sarah Rose Paone, 107 Maryland                                      Sitework  •  Utilities
            Avenue, Ridgely, $259,900.
                                                                                 Demolition  •  Driveways
            W&J Properties, LLC to Denise E.
            Waters, 1505 Blue Heron Drive,                                      Septics  •  Screened Topsoil
            Denton, $160,000.                                                             Fill Dirt
            The Gardens Land Group, Inc. to                                          Recycled Concrete

            Erik Chandler and Jessica Gann,                                         Millings  •  Hauling
            328 Morning Glory Drive, Denton,
                                                                  802 Crystal Ave, Denton, MD
            Kordell Prattis and Charles M.
            Prattis to S&H Property Holdings,         Fax: 410-479-1232       410-479-1223
            LLC, 24150 Shore Highway, Denton,
            $135,000.                          Muhammad Arif Ullah to James P.   Enrique Jara, Jr. and Cheree Jara to
            Diane V. Brown, Sharon B. Kleczynski,   Dedrick and Kelly A. Dedrick, 25128   Sean M. Raspberry, Jr., 1113 Weeping
            and Bonnie L. Brown to Eric L.     River Woods Drive, Ridgely, $700,000.  Willow Court, Denton, $349,900.

            Hignutt, five parcels – 250 acres, New   The Estate of Samuel J. Martin to   Mario Gonzalez Hernandez to Alma

            Bridge Road, Map 33, Parcels 7, 9, 264,   Highlander Development, LLC, 24300   Delia Galan Alarcon, 22233 Tanyard
            859, and 860, Denton, $1,550,000.  Shore Highway, Denton, $175,000.  Road, Preston, $38,750.
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