Page 43 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 43

Events         101 Sunset Blvd.  in Ridgely, MD       HELP WANTED
                                                                     HELP WANTED
                               Ridgely Vol. Fire Dept.
                    at    410.634.2424             (Part Time Contract Position)

                            Spaghetti Dinner

                            Thursday, Sept 1        4-7                   Critical Repairs Caroline County,
                             (first Thursday of the month)           a local non-profit organization which helps
                                                                   homeowners with necessary, but unaffordable
                  All you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread, drink.     repairs, is seeking a part-time Executive
                       Adults $10. Take-out available.
                                                                     Director. This position requires attention to
                                                                     detail, computer knowledge, grant writing
               Mason Dixon Band                                       experience, and commitment to serve our
                                                                            Caroline County neighbors.
                  Saturday, September 10
                      8 PM - midnight                                Payment to be made for up to 15 hours per
                        $25 per person.                                week. Applicant expected to contribute
                   Light refreshments available e                    additional volunteer hours as needed. Our
                                                                     current Executive Director will be available
                                                                        to help during the transition period.

                                                                                           Please contact
                                                                                         Susan Harwood at
               Chicken BBQ                                                                410-829-4323 or
                 Sunday, Sept. 18                                                         Derick Brummell
                                                                                           at 410-924-6183
                 Cost is $7 - includes 1/2 chicken, chips & drink
                       11 am until sold out -  Drive Thru

                              Golf Tournament                                            Debbie's Avon

                                    September 24                                      INDEPENDENT SALES REP FOR AVON
                              Call Anthony at 410-924-9844 to     DEBBIESAVON@YAHOO.COM      WWW.YOURAVON.COM/DSHALABY
                               sponsor or be put on a team.
                                     $500 per team.
                                                                     I'm your local Avon representative.  If you would like to be
                                                                     added to my mailing list for a brochure or if you would like
                           Looking ahead...                          to place an order, just give me a call or send me an email.

                  Chicken N’ Dumpling Dinner, Purse Bingo                If you are looking for income or extra income,
                                                                              contact me I can help you out.
            Reduce access to means of self-harm. A suicidal crisis is

            temporary and often lasts minutes. Consider what items are   Anyone needing help can contact For All Seasons 24/7 at
            a danger to someone who could be suicidal. Remove and/or   410-822-1018 or the 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: Text: 410-829-
            lock up these items.                                6143 Toll-Free: 800-310-7273 | English:410-820-5600 | Spanish:
                                                                410-829-6143. Persons may also call Maryland Crisis Connect
            Get Help. Encourage them to seek treatment or contact their   24/7 – Dial 211 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
            doctor or therapist or a crisis line and/or mental health services   at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For further information about
            right away. Build in choice. Stay with the person until they have   For All Seasons activities related to the agency’s No Matter
            received support.                                   What … You Matter suicide prevention campaign, visit www.
            Follow Up. Continue to check in regularly and be a source of
            understanding and support.                          For All Seasons is your community behavioral health and
                                                                rape crisis center off ering therapy, psychiatry, advocacy, and
            Register for this speaker series event at https://
               education to individuals and families, regardless of one's ability
                                                                to pay. For further information, visit

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