Page 40 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 40

Programs.) We also test elementary   2nd Place – Marleigh
                                               school students for sight and hearing.  Platzke, Maid of Dazzle

                                               Please call John Ladbush of our Lions   Semi Pro Class
                                               Club for reservations to a meeting   1st Place – Marleigh Platzke,
                                               soon, as our guest. It will help you meet   Maid of Dazzle
                                               neighbors and make new friends. Call
                                               443-859-5876.                     Professional Class
                       “We Serve”                                                1st Place –Janice Enfi eld,
                  Night of Rock & Roll         Caroline-Dorchester County Fair   Maid of Rabbit Hill Road
                                                Jousting Tournament Winners      2nd Place – Mason Platzke,

            The Ridgely Lions Club and the North                                 Knight of Turn Around Farm
            Caroline LEO Club are sponsoring a   The 39th annual County Fair Jousting   3rd Place – Buck Schuyler,
            “Night of Rock & Roll” on September 10.     Tournament was held on Saturday,   Knight of Spring House

            The show features four top tribute artists   August 6 at the Caroline County 4-H
            for Roy Orbison, Neil Diamond, The   Park, Denton.  Seven riders participated   Trophy Class
            Bopper, and Buddy Holly. Tickets are   in the Lead Line Class and there were   Mason Platzke, Knight of
            $25 per person and may be purchased   several new riders participating for the   Turn Around Farm

            by calling 410-409-9123 or sending a   first time in a jousting tournament.  Jousting Tournament
            check to the Ridgely Lions Club, P.O.   Novice Class
            Box 143, Ridgely, MD 21660. Th e show                                Schedule for September
                                               1st Place – Kelly McGill,
            will be held at North Caroline High                                  Sunday, Sept. 4 – Caroline County
                                               Maid of Bridgewater
            School, River Road and Central Avenue,                               Joust, 1:00 p.m., Caroline County
            Ridgely. Doors open at 6 PM, show is   2nd Place - Samantha Miller,   4-H Park, Detour Road, Denton.
            7-10 PM. The proceeds from this event   Maid of Savannah

                                                                                 Sunday, Sept. 11 – 70th Annual
            will go toward scholarships and more.  3rd Place – Kate Davis,
                                                                                 Ridgely Joust, 1:00 p.m.,
                                               Maid of Sullivan
                 Greensboro Lions Club                                           Tuckahoe Equestrian Center.
                                               4th Place – Bobby Mildenberg,
                                               Knight of Lightning               Sunday, Sept. 25 – E.S.J.A.

            The Greensboro Lions Club welcomes
                                                                                 Championship Joust, 10:00 a.m.,
            all the new growth (according to deed   Amateur Class                Tuckahoe Equestrian Center
            transfers) in the greater Greensboro   1st Place – Christian Miller,
            area. It is our hope that some will join the   Knight of Arizona Ranger
            Lions Club to help serve the community.
            It is essential to Lions to have a variety
            of members to become involved in our         FOOD PANTRIES

            The Greensboro Lions distribute a
            budget of some $15,000. that is derived   Aarons Place, Inc            Aarons Place Inc at
            from Chicken BBQ sales, a Sporting   401 Aldersgate Drive              Living Waters Assembly
            Clay Tournament competition and a   Denton, MD  21629                  9058 Double Hills Road
            Classic Car Show.  We are sure that you     Tues. - Wed. 9 AM TO 2 PM  Denton, MD 21629
            have interest in one or more activities in                             Please call 443-243-5906
            which we distribute our funds, (Fire Co.,   Aarons Place Inc.
            Historical Society, Library, Scholarships,   435 Main Street           Mobiles:
            girls and boys activities).         Goldsboro, MD 21636                Marydel, MD, Federalsburg
                                                Sunday, Noon to 3 PM               and Preston. Please call 443-
            Our Club meets at Wheatley Hall (St.
            Paul’s Methodist Church) the 1st and 3rd                               243-5906 if any questions.
            Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  Th e   Aarons Place Inc at
            Greensboro Volunteer Fire Company   Community Civic League
            Auxiliary prepares home cooked meals   3439 Laurel Grove Rd,
            to enjoy.  We plan programs monthly   Federalsburg, MD 21632
            involving our community beside our   Wednesday, 4 to 6 PM
            obligations to Lions International (John
            Hopkins Eye Clinic and Leader Dog

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