Page 42 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 42

“Life is Better with You Here:                       •  Share a special message of support and hope for those
                                                                     who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.
               A Community Conversation
                                                                At the conclusion of this speaker series event, For All Seasons
               about Suicide Prevention.”                       will debut its annual suicide prevention music video. Th is song

                                                                will offer an inspirational reminder that reaching out to loved
            Suicide is a leading cause of death on the Eastern Shore, in   ones in times of struggle can change lives and will feature
            Maryland, and the United States.
                                                                members of For All Seasons’ Heart and Music cast and other
            Each year, For All Seasons shines a light on suicide prevention   recognizable faces and places from the Mid-Shore community.
            with its No Matter What … You Matter campaign. Th is initiative's   “We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. One of the
            goal is to prevent suicide on Maryland's Eastern Shore through   most important pieces of advice is not to wait for the ‘perfect
            education and increased access to crisis resources.
                                                                moment’ to ask about suicide; that moment will never come.
            This year’s campaign will launch with a special community   Ask anyway. Because suicide is too important to keep secret,”

            conversation about suicide prevention entitled “Life is Better   comments Beth Anne Langrell, CEO, For All Seasons.
            with You Here: A Community Conversation about Suicide
                                                                Some tips for dealing with someone who is considering suicide,
            Prevention.” In this speaker series event on October 5 at 7 p.m.,
            For All Seasons’ CEO Beth Anne Langrell and Chief Clinical

            Officer Lesa Lee, LCSW-C will:                      Be proactive. There are times when you notice that something

                                                                is off for a friend or family member. Take note of changes in

              •  Highlight how powerful social connections and a sense
                                                                talk, behavior, and mood. Pay attention to your gut.
                of belonging are in preventing suicide;
              •  Share practical strategies and tips for reaching out to   Talk about it. Start a conversation in a private safe space
                those who are struggling;                       about how that person is doing. Listen to their story. Focus
                                                                on showing your support and compassion. Tell them you
              •  Discuss crisis resources that are available 24 hours a   care about them. Avoid debating the value of life, minimizing
                day, 7 days a week; and
                                                                their problems, or giving advice. You don’t have to have all
                                                                the answers. Be direct. Research shows that asking someone
                                                                if they are having suicidal thoughts will not put the idea into
                                                                their mind.

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                                                                Pictured left to right are Beth Anne Langrell, CEO of For All

                                    410-320-7522                Seasons; moderator Bruce Grove, QACTV; and Lesa Lee,

                                                                LCSW-C, Chief Clinical Officer of For All Seasons who will

                                 Any pictures can be emailed    present a lecture, “Life is Better with You Here: A Community
                                   to       Conversation about Suicide Prevention,” at the Avalon Th eatre
                                                                in Easton on October 5 at 7 p.m.
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