Page 24 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 24

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                     by Jeanne Trice

                     Library Hours               Summer Reading “Oceans of          Save the date! The National
            DENTON                                Possibilities” Kicks Off  with     Aquarium presents Sharks!
            Monday: 10 am - 6 pm                       The Curbside Cow!
            Tuesday: 10 am - 6 pm                                                Sharks are unique and intelligent animals
            Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm            Is there a better way to kick off the   whose amazing survival adaptations
            Thursday: Noon - 8 pm              Summer Reading season than with free   have kept them atop the ocean food

            Friday: 10 am - 6 pm               ice cream? Beat the heat and enjoy great   chain since prehistoric times.
            Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm             ice cream made right here in Caroline   Meet these fascinating “monsters” and
            FEDERALSBURG                                                         discover the real truth about some
            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm      June 17, 3:30 pm, Denton          common shark myths.
            Tuesday: Noon-2 pm and 3-8 pm             TaleWise presents          July 5, 11am, Denton
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm         Pirates: Lost at Sea!
            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                             Summer Storytime

                                               Set sail on an adventure with a crew of
            GREENSBORO                         quirky pirates as they rescue their salty   Join us for thirty minutes of stories,
            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm      captain and repair their ship. Explore   songs, movement, and finger plays.
            Tuesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm     the incredible science behind clouds,   You and your child will have fun while
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm   combustion, air pressure, and more   building early literacy skills!

            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
                                               in this refreshing nautical tale with a   Tuesdays, 11 am, Greensboro
            *For programs requiring registration, visit   scientifi c twist!
                                                                                  Wednesdays, 10:15 am, Denton
   or call 410-479-1343.
                                               June 23, 11 am, Denton
                                                                                    Write a letter to Bobby Cheese
                                               Mike Rose the Magician presents
                         New                                                     Did you ever wonder what the Denton
              New Tuesday Hours at Denton                                        library’s fish, Bobby Cheese, thinks
                                               Don’t miss Mike Rose’s fun, interactive,   about all day? Or what his favorite food
            Starting June 1, Tuesday’s hours will be                             is?
                                               ocean-themed show featuring
            10 am-6 pm at the Central Library in
                                               impossible magic tricks and off-the-
            Denton.                                                              Now you have a chance to ask him
                                               wall comedy.
                                                                                 yourself! Pick up a postcard at any
            Branch hours are not changing.
                                               June 30, 11 am, Federalsburg      location, drop it in the letter box in the
                                                                                 library, and Bobby will write back.
                                                                                 June 27-July 1, all locations
                                                                                    Healthy Hack Cooking Class
                                                                                 The library has partnered with Johns
                                                                                 Hopkins Healthcare and Priority
                                                                                 Partners to bring their “Healthy Hack”
                                                                                 live cooking demonstration to the
                                                                                 Federalsburg Branch!
                                                                                 Watch the chef prepare a healthy entrée
                                                                                 using cost-effective ingredients; then
                                                                                 take the recipe and ingredients home to
                                                                                 try it for yourself.
                                                                                 June 9, 10:30 am, Federalsburg

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