Page 28 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 28

Let’s Get Moving: Join Lindy Barton   bees and butterflies on Sunday, June 12   the materials they find there. Inspired

            on Wednesday evenings from June 15   at 2 PM.  Cost for this program is $20,   by nature’s own creativity, they alter
            - July 27 at 5:30 PM at Tuckahoe State   which includes supplies, instruction and   or augment the trees, vines or fallen

            Park Office.  Lindy will motivate both   light refreshments. All proceeds will go   branches they find there, creating
            experienced runners and beginner   to charity, including the Butterfl y and   sculptures that are so close to nature
            walkers to improve their endurance and   Bee Project! Reservations are required.   that they will make you do a double take.
            stride, while exploring various trails in   Call or text 410-924-1529.  Join the McCoy’s on a guided sculpture
            the park. By the end of July participants   Yarning at the Arboretum: Bring   walk on Saturday, June 4, from 2- 4 PM
            will be able to walk, jog or run a 5k.                               at Adkins Arboretum.
                                               your yarn projects for an aft ernoon of
            Sunday Stroll: Take a walk through the   camaraderie and encouragement on   Yoga, Dance and Exercise
            woods with local ecology enthusiast Jim   Wednesday, June 8 at 2 PM. Beginners   Morning Stretch: Meet at Martinak
            Bardsley on Sunday June 19, at 11 AM.   are welcome. Experienced knitters   State Park Amphitheater on Tuesday
            Meet at the Tuckahoe State Park Offi  ce   and crocheters will help you learn the   Mornings and Thursday mornings at
            and on June 26 at 11 AM, meet at the   ropes. Please bring your own chair. Fiber   8 AM to improve your fl exibility, core
            Martinak State Park Offi  ce.      artists will meet on the patio. In case   development, and balance through
            Art and Crafts                     of inclement weather, plan on meeting   exercises and yoga. Please bring a yoga
                                               in the Visitor’s Center gallery. Please   mat or towel. Inclement weather, meet
            Paint Afternoon: Through Project
                                               register at https://adkins.donorshops.  in the nature center.

            Butterfly & Bumblebee, the Maryland
            Park Service is committed to increasing                              Sunset Stretch: Meet at Martinak State
            pollinator habitat on public lands,                                  Park Amphitheater on Wednesday
            educating the public about pollinators,   Guided Sculpture Walk: Whenever   evenings June 8, 15, and 22 at 7 PM
            and supporting programs and events   they are in the Arboretum’s forest,   to improve your flexibility, core
            that highlight the important role   environmental artists Howard and Mary   development, and balance through
            pollinators play in maintaining the   McCoy are on the lookout for places   exercises and yoga. Please bring a yoga
            nation’s food supply and healthy and   that might inspire them to make art. For
            diverse ecosystems. In keeping with this   more than 20 years, these artists have   (continued on page 30)
            theme, participants will paint fl owers,   been making art in the woods, using
                                            ELECT                                                        

                 CONWAY GREGORY

                    Judge of the Orphans’ Court

                         Qualified, Fair Minded, Dedicated

                • Understands the Maryland Estates and Trust Code.
                • Will see that all estates are handled impartially, expeditiously, and with minimal expense.
                • Will make sure all estates are properly carried out according to the decedent’s wishes.
                • Will attend all Orphans’ Court training courses offered by the Maryland Judiciary.
                • Ten years of experience as an Orphans’ Court Judge.
                • Four years experience as a Chief Judge.

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                      Thank you for your              ĂƌůLJ ǀŽƟŶŐ ŝƐ  :ƵůLJ ϳͲ :ƵůLJ ϭϰ͖ WƌŝŵĂƌLJ ŝƐ :ƵůLJ ϭϵ

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