Page 40 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 40

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               Symptoms                          Although children are primarily at
                                               Initially, lead poisoning can be hard   risk, lead poisoning is also dangerous
                                               to detect — even people who seem   for adults. Signs and symptoms in
                                               healthy can have high blood levels of   adults might include:
                    Lead Poisoning             lead. Signs and symptoms usually don’t   •  High blood pressure
                                                                                                                                          appear until dangerous amounts have
                 Submitted by Tara Brooks,                                                                                                                •  Joint and muscle pain
             Caroline County Health Department                                     • Difficulties with memory or

                                               Signs and symptoms of lead poisoning
            Lead poisoning occurs when lead                                           concentration
                                               in children include:
            builds up in the body, oft en  over                                    • Headache
            months or years. Even small amounts   • Developmental delay
                                                                                   • Abdominal pain
            of lead can cause serious health    • Learning diffi  culties
            problems. Children younger than                                        • Mood disorders
                                                • Irritability
            six are especially vulnerable to lead                                  •  Reduced sperm count and
            poisoning, which can severely aff ect   •  Loss of appetite               abnormal sperm
            mental and physical development. At   • Weight loss
            very high levels, lead poisoning can be   •  Sluggishness and fatigue  •  Miscarriage, stillbirth or
            fatal.                                                                    premature birth in pregnant
                                                • Abdominal pain                      women
            Lead-based   paint  and    lead-                                     Provided By:
            contaminated dust in older buildings   • Vomiting
            are common sources of lead poisoning   • Constipation
            in children. Other sources include                                     Raising the Next Generation
                                                • Hearing loss
            contaminated air, water and soil.                                             Tobacco-Free
            Adults who work with batteries, do   • Seizures
            home renovations or work in auto    •  Eating things, such as paint       By Heather Grove, BSN, RN
            repair shops also might be exposed to   chips, that aren’t food (pica)
            lead.                                                                Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the
                                               Babies exposed to lead before birth   next generation completely tobacco-

            There is treatment for lead poisoning,   might:                      free?
            but taking some simple precautions
            can help protect you and your family   •  Be born prematurely        No more smokey rooms or cars, no
            from lead exposure before harm is   •  Have lower birth weight       more yellow nicotine stains, freedom
            done.                                                                from addiction to nicotine and longer,
                                                •  Have slowed growth
                                                                                 healthier lives.
                                                                                 Tobacco companies have targeted
                                                                                 minorities and manipulated us for far
                                   DOT/CDL                                       too long. Countless lives have been
                                                                                 lost from tobacco products. Th ankfully
                                                                                 many young people have been
                        MEDICAL EXAMS
                                                                                 educated on the dangers of tobacco.
                                     Complying with New                          Social norms are changing and they
                                  Government Requirements                        are not interested in smoking cigarettes

                                                                                 anymore. However, a shift has taken
                                                                                 place. Young people, even those that
                                                 FMCSA Certified Physician
                                                                                 would have never touched a traditional
                     Prompt                            C.E. Jensen, MD
                     Service         Competitive                                 cigarette, are interested in electronic
                                        Price            410-924-8560            cigarettes and vaping products.
                          Evenings and Saturdays by appointment
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