Page 43 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 43

•  Have conversations with your      and help them learn healthy        Truth Initiative’s This Is Quitting
                kids/grandkids about the           ways to manage their stress.       text line, text DITCHVAPE
                dangers of all tobacco products.   •  Learn about cessation resources   to 88709, and the Maryland
                Don’t make it a lecture. Ask                                          Quitline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW are
                                                   in case someone reaches out to
                them what they know or have                                           both great resources.
                                                   you and wants help quitting. Th e
                heard or seen. Ask for their
                opinion about what they think
                about these products or how
                they feel about the way they are              Re-Elect
                being targeted by the companies.
                Keep the conversation going          RON FEARINS
                and the door open so they feel
                comfortable coming to you with     Judge of the Orphans Court
                questions or concerns
              •  Keep kids engaged. Kids and       It has been my privilege to serve the citizens
                teens are naturally curious, help     of Caroline County for the past eight
                them find safe ways to satisfy        years as a Judge of the Orphans Court.

                their curiosities.
              •  Kids and teens have enormous      I would like to continue serving the citizens
                levels of stress and anxiety today.   of Caroline County for the next four years.
                As adults, let us not overlook or   As a lifetime Caroline County resident, I look
                undermine their stressors. Th is      forward to serving you and thank you
                is a big reason many will cite for
                using tobacco or drugs. Model                  for your support.
                                                       Patsy Fearins, Treasurer - Ron Fearins, Candidate

                   Raising a generation that is
                 TOBACCO & VAPE  FREE                                               Youth

                   IS POSSIBLE...                                                Tobacco
                                            and Avoidance of Vaping Products by Youth

                  TALK TO

                YOUR KIDS
               about avoiding
               tobacco/vaping                                   FACTS:
                                                              •  Nicotine affects the brain
                                                              •  Most vapes contain nicotine which is addictive
                                                              •  Nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure;
                                                                makes the heart work harder
                                                              •  Using vapes can make it hard to focus
                                                              •  Using vapes can affect kids and teens ability to
                                                                learn and remember
                                                              •  Using vapes can make you feel anxious or moody
                                                              •  Chemicals in vapes can damage the lungs

                                       Paid for By MDH - CRFP
                                                                          Call 410-479-8080 to learn more.

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