Page 46 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 46

Caroline           Fathers play a key role in their families   being the constant comforting presence
                                               and in society. They set examples as   that allows your child to willingly take
                              CASA             role models. Children who grow up   risks and figure out their purpose in
                                               with a father or father-figure who is   this world, while knowing that you’re
                           Court Appointed
                                               involved, responsible, and engaged in   there for them to make sure everything
                           Special Advocate
                                               his child’s life are more likely to thrive   will be okay.” – David Murray, Caroline
                                               and succeed. But what does being a good   Culinary Center.
                Men’s Health Month and         dad mean? It can mean diff erent things

              National Reunifi cation Month    to different people, so we asked some   I would say teaching your children right
                                               Caroline County dads what being a good   and wrong and setting the example for
            Dad.  Daddy.  Father.  Papa.  No matter                              them.  Do unto others as you would
                                               father means to them.
            what name you call him, he’s probably                                have them do to you. – Adam Jones,
            the most important man in your life.     “A good dad means loving your children   Provident State Bank.
            But according to the U.S. Census Bureau,   unconditionally. It means being there for   “Being a good dad means that my

            nearly one-third of kids in our country   all that life has to offer, the good and the   kids feel encouraged, empowered, and

            are growing up in a home without a   challenging. There is no greater joy...”   equipped to succeed in life and weather
            father. Research shows that when a child   -Dr. Derek L. Simmons, Superintendent   the inevitable failures when they come.
            is raised in a father-absent home, he or   of Schools.               I will always feel like I am a good dad
            she is more likely to have behavioral   “To me, being a good dad means staying   when my kids know they can come to
            problems, abuse drugs and alcohol,   in the game, even when the world   me to brag about success or express
            suffer from obesity, and drop out of   demands we stay on the sidelines.” –   regret over a failure.” - Pastor Billy
            school. We all know what superheroes   Pastor David Casey-Motley, Immanuel   Johnson, Denton Christian Church.
            our mothers are but the fathers and   Lutheran in Preston.
            father-figures in our lives deserve some                             Being a father is one of the greatest

            of the credit too!                 “I’m new at this dad thing... but in   blessings of my life. To be entrusted
                                               my opinion, being a good dad means   with raising two young men and helping

                                  Head Start

                         A School Readiness Program

                                                                                        ne Count
                                                                               n Carol
                              Now Enrolling Children ages 3 to 5 years old in Caroline Countyy
                                                                                ment program offering
                                      •  Head Start is a high quality, child development program offering
                                                                                income eligible families
                                        education, health, and family services to income eligible families..
                                                                               children possessing the skills,
                   What is            •  Head Start defines school readiness as children possessing the skills,
                                                                               learning and life.
                                        knowledge, and attitudes necessary for learning and life.
                  Head Start?         •  MRDC Head Start program works in partnership with parents and
                                                                               tnership with parents and
                                        families to make the transition to kindergarten successful.
                                                                               garten successful.
                                                                                 at www
                                                            Complete a Pre-App at or or
                                       GET STARTED
                                                                   contact a center near you. .
                                                                                ter near you
                                                                               NSBORO: 101 Cedar Lane
                     FEDERALSBURG:  26245 Williamsburg Rd                GREENSBORO: 101 Cedar Lane
                                                                               10-482-2585 ext. 217
                               410-754-3453 ext. 116                         410-482-2585 ext. 217
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