Page 48 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 48
Fitzpatrick Named Teacher of the Year honors outstand- works in unison with district special
ing, innovative educators who lead by education and general education teach-
Specialized Teacher example with an unmatched level of ers to ensure that the students receive
of the Year dedication to supporting all students. the maximum benefit from both district
The annual recognition program cele- resources and those of the program.
Jill Fitzpatrick, a lead special education brates teachers who exemplify high-
teacher at High Road School in Caro- quality, evidence-based instruction
line County (303 Sharp Road, Denton), at SESI while recognizing the impor-
was recently named a regional winner tance of equitable education for all SESI
in Specialized Education Services, Inc. students.
(SESI) Teacher of the Year Program.
High Road School at Caroline County
“Teaching is my profession, but more- serves students in their home district
over it is my calling. There are always school. The students are served in
setbacks and frustrations, but over- highly structured, therapeutic class-
coming them is part of the enjoyment room settings inside public schools.
of teaching. I have the philosophy The academic, social-emotional, and
that there are no hopeless cases. The behavioral needs of each student are
more challenging the behavioral and met through such means as a low
academic hurdles, the higher the staff-to-student ratio, individualized
rewards when that student succeeds,” and small-group teaching approaches,
says Fitzpatrick. counseling services, and a comprehen-
sive behavior management system. Staff