Page 36 - June 2023 Issue.indd
P. 36

Tips, Classes and
                                         H      ealth       C    orner            Programs to help

                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               swimming, playing a sport, or even   blood sugar. And when it comes to
                                               dancing in your living room. Regular   prostate and testicular health, don’t
                                               exercise not only helps you maintain   hesitate to have those uncomfortable
                                               a healthy weight but also boosts your   conversations  with  your  doctor.
                  Men’s Health Month           mood and reduces the risk of various   Striving for a healthier you isn’t about
                                               health conditions.                being perfect. It’s about making small
            Men’s  Health  Month,  celebrated                                    changes that add up to a big impact.
            annually in June, serves as a reminder   Don’t forget to fuel your body with   Here’s to a healthier and happier you!
            of the importance of prioritizing   nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables,
            men’s physical and mental well-being.   lean proteins, and whole grains, and, 410- 479-8000
            By raising awareness and promoting   practice moderation when it comes
            education, Men’s Health Month aims to   to unhealthy habits like alcohol use.   Tips to Help a Friend or Family
            empower men to make positive lifestyle   Regular check-ups for blood pressure,   Member Quit Smoking or Vaping
            choices and address crucial health   cholesterol levels, and diabetes are vital
            matters. In this article, we will highlight   to monitor cardiovascular health and   By Heather Grove, BSN, RN
            three key areas of men’s health that   detect any potential issues early on.
                                                                                 Cigarettes  and  most   electronic
            deserve  attention and action.
                                               Prostate and Testicular Health    cigarettes or vapes contain nicotine.
            Mental Health                      We get it. Going to the doctor isn’t   Nicotine is very addictive. Even when
            We know it’s not always easy to talk   exactly the highlight of your week,   someone knows the dangers it can be
            about our feelings, but it’s crucial to   but it is essential for staying on top   very hard for them to quit smoking
            taking care of your mental well-being.   of your health. Regular prostate and   or vaping. According to the American
            Stress, anxiety, and depression can hit   testicular health screenings and self   Lung Association, about 70% of people
            anyone, so don’t be afraid to reach out   examinations play a crucial role in early   that smoke want to quit. Sometimes
            for support. Talk to a friend, family   detection of abnormalities. Familiarize   people are hesitant to try to quit. Th ey
            member, or a professional if you need   yourself with the signs and symptoms   may have tried in the past but fell
            someone to listen. Remember, it’s not   of these conditions, and speak to your   back into their previous behavior and
            weak to ask for help. It takes courage to   doctor right away if you have concerns.   may lack confidence that they can be

            face your emotions head-on.        Remember, early detection is oft en the   successful.
                                               key to successful treatment.
            Cardiovascular Health                                                Research shows that it can take 7-11
            Cardiovascular diseases like heart   So, gentlemen ... step up, take charge,   times to quit and abstain for good. You
            disease and stroke are leading causes of   and rock Men’s Health Month like the   may be wondering how you can help
            death among men. But you don’t have   champions you are. Schedule your   your mom, brother, or best friend quit
            to be a gym rat to stay in shape. Find   annual check-up to keep tabs on your   smoking or vaping. Quitting is a choice
            activities you enjoy-whether it’s hiking,   blood pressure, cholesterol level, and   and having a good support system can

                                                                                 make a big difference when your loved
                                                                                 one is ready to try to quit. Here are a
                                                                                 few things you can do:
                                                                                 Be encouraging - even when they are
                                                                                 just thinking about quitting or cutting
                         MEDICAL EXAMS
                                                                                 back, maybe you could say something
                                      Complying with New                         like “It’s so great your thinking about
                                  Government Requirements                        quitting, have you thought about what
                                                                                 you might want to do with the money
                                                 FMCSA Certified Physician        you’d save?” or “I noticed you took a

                     Prompt                            C.E. Jensen, MD           walk after lunch today instead of going

                     Service         Competitive                                 out to smoke - That’s awesome and I’m
                                        Price            410-924-8560            so proud of you!”
                          Evenings and Saturdays by appointment
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