Page 6 - June 2023 Issue.indd
P. 6

A Good Map Can                  sit here and stare, romantic notions in   of Opossum Hill, Downes or Melville
                                               my head of what once might have been.  Crossroads. When the folks from the
                   Clue You In                                                   railroad planned out a route from the
                                               Growing up, I considered myself a
              Nearly As Well As                Prestonian though I have only lived a   main line in Seaford, Delaware, to run
                                                                                 down to Cambridge, they drew the line
                 a History Book                couple of my years within its city limits.   through Federalsburg. Shipping built
                                               In school I joked that I was actually
                                                                                 the town and sustains it yet. If Chicago
                                               from “North Linchester” but I was the
                    by Bryan Gadow             only one to laugh. (Nothing new with   is America’s Second City, Federalsburg
                                                                                 is Caroline’s. While most of the county
            I’ve heard it said that “nobody listens   that.) When I moved on to Colonel   is connected with the Choptank (or its
            to the radio anymore”. Well, recently I   Richardson I delighted in a rivalry with   tributary, the Tuckahoe) down here we
            was listening and the DJ related a news   the Federalsburgers, constantly running   have a river of our own. Th e railroad?
            story stating that maps are coming back   down their town. That all seems   My map tells me it would have been
            into style. Really! Younger generations   childish now, and not just because I   easier to run it through Finchville,
            have discovered them and sales are up.   happen to live in “the Burg” myself   home today to a blinking light...and
            (This message brought to you by Maps,   these days. How did Federalsburg   not much else. But the only rail service

            the American Map Board, and your   grow to become the second largest   in our county still runs strong, the

            Map Checkoff.) And so, here I sit with   town in the county? A good map can   Maryland & Delaware housing its
            my nifty street map of Caroline County.   clue you in nearly as well as a history   corporate headquarters in our train

            My attention is especially drawn to   book: it happens to be the farthest up   station.
            the names in smaller type: so many   the Marshyhope that you can get in
            stories they have to tell! I suppose a   any kind of real boat. In the horse and   Federalsburg “made it” but what of
            book may have been written to explain   buggy days, when a trip to the county   the others? My grandfather used to
            them every one, and wouldn’t it be a sad   seat was an all-day affair, waterways   speak of someone who lived “over near

            state of aff airs if I lived my whole life   were as good as today’s interstates.   Bureau”. There was something about

            and never read it? As it is, I can only   That modest creek was a gateway to the   that name that always intrigued me,
                                               world, and one not available to the likes   but I always felt uneasy when Pop-Pop

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