Page 17 - Essential Haematology
P. 17

Chapter 1  Haemopoiesis  /  3

                                                               stem cell

                                            CFU GEMM
                                            Common myeloid
                                            progenitor cell
                                                                           Common lymphoid
                                                                              progenitor cell
                                                                              CFU baso
                           BFU E
                                                      CFU GMEo
                        Erythroid                                    CFU Eo
                        progenitors                                  Eosinophil
                                                          CFU GM
                                           CFU Meg        Granulocyte
                                           Megakary-      monocyte
                           CFU E                                                             Thymus
                                           ocyte          progenitor
                                             CFU-M           CFU-G

                                                                                     B      T      NK
                               Red   Platelets   Mono-  Neutro-     Eosino-  Baso-   Lymphocytes  NK cell
                               cells              cytes  phils      phils   phils

                                Figure 1.2   Diagrammatic representation of the bone marrow pluripotent stem cell and the cell lines that arise
                      from it. Various progenitor cells can be identifi ed by culture in semi - solid medium by the type of colony they
                      form. It is possible that an erythroid/megakaryocytic progenitor may be formed before the common lymphoid
                      progenitor diverges from the mixed granulocytic/monocyte/eosinophil myeloid progenitor. Baso, basophil; BFU,
                      burst - forming unit; CFU, colony - forming unit; E, erythroid; Eo, eosinophil; GEMM, granulocyte, erythroid,
                      monocyte and megakaryocyte; GM, granulocyte, monocyte; Meg, megakaryocyte; NK, natural killer.

                      in semi - solid media. An example is the earliest   cells are, however, capable of responding to haemo-
                      detectable mixed myeloid precursor which gives rise   poietic growth factors with increased production
                      to granulocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes and meg-  of one or other cell line when the need arises.
                      akaryocytes and is termed CFU (colony - forming   The development of the  mature cells  (red cells,

                      unit) - GEMM (Fig.  1.2 ). The bone marrow is also   granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes and lym-

                      the primary site of origin of lymphocytes (see   phocytes) is considered further in other sections of
                      Chapter   9   )  which  differentiate from a common   this book.

                      lymphoid precursor.
                          The stem cell has the capability for  self - renewal        Bone  m arrow  s troma

                      (Fig.  1.3 ) so that marrow cellularity remains con-

                      stant in a normal healthy steady state. There is con-   The bone marrow forms a suitable environment for

                      siderable amplification in the system: one stem cell   stem cell survival, self - renewal and formation of
                      is capable of producing about 10   mature blood   differentiated progenitor cells. It is composed of

                      cells after 20 cell divisions (Fig.  1.3 ). Th e precursor   stromal cells and a microvascular network (Fig.  1.4 ).
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