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Ectoparasites   225

                   vectors and transmit diseases through their bites. Typhus   syndrome, sometimes fatal to children. Both adult and
                   is a disease that may be spread by both lice bites or flea   nymphal forms of ticks may be vectors for transmitting
                   bites and is a rickettsial disease, which invades the lining   infectious diseases and transmit a significant number
                   of blood vessels and smooth muscles.             of diseases including Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
                       Two species of the human body louse—Pediculus   Q  fever, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis,
                   humanus corporis, known as the body louse, and Pedicu-  and Lyme disease.
                   lus humanus capitis, the head louse—attach themselves   Fleas are mostly found on furry and hairy animals
                   to the hairs of the head, and causes outbreaks in schools   but humans may also be affected. They are vectors for
                   and daycare centers. The pubic or crab louse, Phthirus   several human diseases including tularemia, typhus, and
                   pubis, is usually sexually transmitted and can also infect   brucellosis. Rats in large cities harbor fleas that transmit
                   any hairy areas such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, and   diseases to humans and apparently were responsible for
                   beards.                                          the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Europeans with
                       Other common ectoparasites include a group called   the plague several centuries ago.
                   mites. Some members of the order Acarina are parasitic   Jigger is a common name for a parasitic flea called
                   and may affect both humans and domestic animals and a   Tunga penetrans. Parasitic infestations of this organism
                   few mites even transmit viruses and bacteria and at least   typically involve pigs, dogs, and those humans who tradi-
                   a few species of tapeworms may be transmitted by mites.   tionally go barefoot. These fleas are found in the tropical
                   Other complications include allergic reactions to the   and subtropical Americas and Africa. Complications of
                   infestation, which may exacerbate or cause respiratory   ulcerations and attendant infections sometimes require
                   problems such as asthma.                         amputation if early treatment is not obtained.
                       Mites are often called chiggers or redbugs and bur-  Other common parasites include the bedbug Cimex
                   row into the skin, causing intense itching and skin irrita-  lectularius. This “bug” contains an irritating chemical in
                   tion. Itch mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) cause a skin condition   its saliva that causes irritating skin reactions, and feeds
                   known as scabies. Symptoms include intense itching,   on humans at night. Bedding may be infected and remain
                   which occurs mostly at night accompanied by a rash on   so until the next victim arrives at some point in the future
                   the hands, arms, armpits, and genitalia. There are two   so scrupulous cleaning is necessary to control the infes-
                   varieties of S. scabiei organisms. Both varieties spread   tation of a dwelling. These organisms are prevalent and
                   rapidly in households and among intimate partners.  may be found in transient motels and homeless shelters
                       Dust mites, including mostly Dermatophagoides   where the personal hygiene of the residents may be poor.
                   pteronyssinum or D. farinae, ingest human skin cells that   Blood loss leading to anemia in protracted cases and the
                   are shed or may be abraded by scratching. Face mites or   transmission of hepatitis B are possible complications to
                   follicle mites (Demodex brevis and D. folliculorum), are   infestations of this bug.
                   found as a normal organism of the face. These organisms   Leeches are not known to transmit any types of dis-
                   can only be seen with the help of a microscope, and may   eases to human hosts and they often infect other mam-
                   cause mild allergic reactions and contribute to asthma in   mals that enter the water. The term leech is applied to
                   humans.                                          any of the annelids from the class Hirudinea, especially
                       Three species of chiggers are commonly called the   Hirudo medicinalis. Some species are bloodsuckers and
                   “redbug” in some areas of the country. Chiggers attach   were once used to draw blood out of those who were ill.
                   to the skin and bite the host, causing intense itching and   Tooth amoebae, Entamoeba gingivalis, are micro-
                   severe dermatitis. Irritation of the skin may be due to al-  scopic parasites able to hide in the tiny crevices where
                   lergic reactions to the saliva of the mite. These mites  also   the teeth meet the gums. Brushing does not remove them
                   act as vectors for scrub typhus.                 because of their ability to assume different shapes, en-
                       Two kinds of ticks, “hard” and “soft,” each carry   abling them to fit into minuscule hiding places. These
                   different diseases. Soft ticks (family Ixodidae) do not   organisms may be considered beneficial organisms, as
                   burrow into the skin, but hard ticks (family Argasidae)   they eat mouth bacteria that may cause inflammation.
                   do and require great care in removing them to avoid leav-  But with poor mouth hygiene, their numbers may pro-
                   ing the head imbedded in the skin. Dog ticks are known   liferate and they may become harmful when the lack of
                   to cause paralysis similar to that of the Guillain-Barre   hygiene forces them to multiply too quickly.
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