Page 244 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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224    CHAPTER 10

                                                                    and cleaning should include furniture, mattresses, bed
                      MACROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC                        frames, walls, and baseboards in order to remove nesting

                           FEATURE (REQUIRES                        sites for these insects. Secondary infections may occur
                                                                    from scratching the bedbug bites.
                     MAGNIFYING GLASS IN SOME

                    General Classification—Insect                   The term leech is applied to any of the annelids from the
                                                                    class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis. Some
                    Organism             Cimex lectularis           species are bloodsuckers and were once used to draw
                    Specimen Required   Individual organism,        blood out of those who were ill. These organisms are
                                         usually obtained from      parasitic in that they require sustenance from a victim in
                                         skin or bed linens         the form of blood, so medical practice in the past has in-
                    Stage                Adult                      cluded the use of leeches for bleeding areas of the body.
                    Color & Appearance   Reddish (newly             Even today leeches are used to remove blood from large
                                         hatched are                bruises and are available from scientific supply houses.
                                         translucent)               The leech has not been known to transmit any diseases
                    Size                 Adult is 4–5 mm in         to its human hosts.
                                         length; 1.5–3 mm
                                         in width
                    Shape                Flat and oval              Tooth Amoebae
                    Motility             Nocturnal crawling
                                                                    The amoeba Entameba gingivalis is a microscopic para-
                                                                    site that hides in the tiny crevices where the teeth meet
                                                                    the gums. Brushing does not remove them because of
                   requires several days to use as much as 1 mL of blood   their ability to assume different shapes that enable them
                   from a  victim, infants have been known to develop ane-  to fit into minuscule hiding places. These organisms
                   mia from blood loss to these creatures (Figure 10-15).   may be considered beneficial organisms because they
                   It is possible, but not proven, that the transmission of    ingest mouth bacteria that may cause inflammation. But
                   hepatitis B and perhaps some of the other strains of   with poor mouth hygiene, their numbers may proliferate
                   hepatitis have occurred through bedbug bites. Insecti-  and they may become harmful when the lack of hygiene
                   cides are required for ridding an area of these parasites   forces them to multiply too quickly.


                   Ectoparasites derive their nourishment from the outside of   may infest large groups of people and even large cities.
                   the body, primarily the skin, but also for some species, tak-  Lice are capable of infesting a variety of hosts, as they are
                   ing advantage of either the host’s blood supply or debris   adapted with structures that allow them to cling tightly
                   on the skin of the host. Other ectoparasites exist by eating   to hair, fur, and feathers. The range of potential hosts for
                   the bacteria on the skin of the host. There are several major   lice includes some aquatic creatures as well as land mam-
                   types of ectoparasites that plague human beings. Lice and   mals, birds, and others.
                   mites are the two major groups that include four common   Close contact with an infected person is required
                   genera, three of which are lice and one of which is classified   to transfer the organism because lice cannot jump or fly.
                   as a mite. Fleas and ticks are also considered ectoparasites.  Lice chiefly occupy crowded areas such as refugee camps
                       Infestations of lice include Pediculus humanus and   and prisons due to the poor sanitation and hygiene that
                   Pthirus pubis as the best-known representatives, and   foster the growth of these infestations. Some lice may be
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