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Ectoparasites   219

                                                                    In addition, they are a member of the class Arachnida
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  of infectious organisms that are termed arboviruses
                                                                    because they possess eight legs and are not insects, which
                                                                    have six legs. Ticks are capable vectors for a number

                                                                    because they are transmitted by arthropods. Some of
                                                                    these diseases include Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
                                                                    caused by Rickettsia rickettsii; Lyme disease, caused by
                                                                    Borrelia burgdorferi, Tularemia (rabbit fever), caused
                                                                    by Francisella tularensis; and human granulocytic

                                                                         These organisms are bloodsucking arachnid para-
                                                                    sites of the order Acarida. Unlike the mites of an associ-
                   FIGURE 10-6  Patient’s hand reveals a scabies      ehrlichiosis (HGE), caused by the Ehrlichia chaffeensis
                   infestation of the mite species Sarcoptes scabiei var.   ated group, adult ticks are relatively large and are easily
                   hominis                                          seen by the naked eye and act as vectors for certain bac-
                                                                    teria and viruses known to cause disease in humans.
                                                                    They are the only venomous creature that hunts down
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  than actively seeking them. There are two kinds of ticks
                                                                    humans in some species of ticks. Fortunately, most in-
                                                                    sects and arachnids try to avoid human contact rather

                                                                    simply called “hard” and “soft” and each carry different
                                                                    diseases. Hard ticks, of the family Ixodidae, do not bur-
                                                                    row into the skin. But soft ticks, of the family Argasidae,
                                                                    that primarily infest birds but sometimes will affect hu-
                                                                    mans, do burrow into the skin and must be removed with

                                                                    imbedded when the body is pulled away (Figure 10-8),
                                                                    resulting in infections in the bite area, and transmission
                                                                    of disease organisms.
                   FIGURE 10-7  Chiggers (larvae of mites from the   great care, for otherwise their heads will possibly remain
                   genus Trombicula) can cause intense itching and      The life cycle for ticks is relatively simple when
                   reddish welts on skin                            compared with those of the endoparasites, as they exist
                                                                    in stages that do not remotely resemble the adult form
                       rashes may be found where tight clothing is near    (Figure 10-9). The nymphal stage is of particular inter-
                       the skin such as collars and cuffs of shirts and socks   est because usually there is only a single nymphal stage
                         (Figure 10-7). Irritation of the skin appears to occur   through which a tick passes; however, some ticks pass
                       due to an allergic reaction to the saliva of the insect   through multiple nymphal transitions during the nymphal
                       rather than to the mechanics of the bite and these   stage prior to becoming a mature adult organism.
                       organisms may also act as vectors for a number of   Dog ticks may bring slow paralysis, similar to
                       infectious diseases. Currently these mites are not   that of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and may be fatal
                       known to transmit any infectious diseases in the   to children. Interestingly, both the nymphal and adult
                       United States. However, in some Asian countries,   stages of most species of ticks are capable of infecting a
                       they are vectors of scrub typhus, which is caused by   host organism with a variety of disease agents. Nymphal
                       a rickettsial (bacteria-like) organism.      forms of ticks are more difficult to discover on the body,
                                                                    although they are perfectly capable as vectors for many
                   Ticks                                            infectious diseases that may result in acute or chronic
                                                                    disease with lasting effects in humans (Figure 10-10).
                   Ticks belong to the phylum Arthropoda, meaning that   Fortunately ticks must remain embedded for at
                   they move by use of jointed legs (arthro) and feet (poda).   least 18 hours or more in order to transmit the various
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