Page 234 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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214    CHAPTER 10

                   A large number of ectoparasites feed upon the skin cells
                   of the human body. Some survive by embedding them-
                   selves into the skin of the body and feeding upon the
                   body’s blood supply, whereas others actually feed upon
                   the bacteria and oils of the body, in at least one case.
                     Ectoparasites are differentiated from endoparasites in
                   that they thrive outside of the human body. Therefore,
                   those known as endoparasites live inside the body, some
                   of which have already been described and that include                                         Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                   amoebae, worms, and flukes. Three major ectoparasites
                   plague human beings and these have apparently been in
                   existence for possibly as long as humanity has inhabited
                   the world. Lice and mites are the two major groups that
                   include four common genera, three of which are lice and
                   one of which is classified as a mite. Besides lice and mites,   FIGURE 10-1  Life cycle of a “sucking louse,”
                   ticks are also classified as ectoparasites, and these three   Pediculus humanus var. corporis, and the morphologic
                   are commonly encountered in human diseases. Several   changes that take place during development
                   other groups that may cause considerable discomfort
                   will also be discussed in this chapter. The term used for   threat to humans but are of agricultural and horticultural
                   those on whom ectoparasites are living is called an infes-  importance. Lice are apterygotes, which means that they
                   tation rather than the term infection used for those who   are wingless and they are dorsoventrally (backs and ab-
                   have parasites dwelling within.                  domens) flattened.
                                                                        Lice, the singular form of which is louse, belong
                   LICE                                             to the suborder Anoplura for those that infect humans.
                                                                    They are usually found in crowded areas where sanita-
                   Infestations of lice, of which Pediculus humanus and   tion and hygiene are poor. The control of these infections
                   Pthirus pubis are the best-known parasites known as lice,   will require a significant change in hygienic practices and
                   have infested entire armies, villages, and cities. A com-  control of living conditions for those infested, to avoid
                   mon name for P. pubis is that of crabs, a term based on   infestations of those who come in contact with them.
                   the physical appearance of the organism with its stout   Infestations are called pediculosis and the bites of these
                   crablike appearance. These organisms are transmitted   organisms allow obtaining of blood meals by piercing the
                   sexually as well as through common contact with oth-  skin and sucking the blood through their mouth parts.
                   ers that are infested, or by use of clothing and bedding   The areas where bites have occurred become itchy and
                   in which the organisms are found. Lice must spend their   inflamed and frequently become infected from scratch-
                   entire lives on their host, undergoing metabolic and mor-  ing the areas with fingernails that may also contain other
                   phologic changes, and gaining all of their nourishment   organisms, such as bacteria, resulting in a secondary
                   from their host (Figure 10-1). They have developed ad-  infection. Another important role of some lice is one in
                   aptations which enable them to stay in close contact with   which they play the role of a vector that is able to trans-
                   a host and the various species may occupy different re-  mit diseases through their bites. Typhus is one such dis-
                   gions of the body depending on their physical needs.   ease that is spread through the bites of lice.
                       Lice are extremely small, some less than 1 mm long.   Some species of lice have no eyes but do possess
                   Both P. humanus and P. pubis are species possess stout   short sensory antennae as a substitute for eyes and the
                   legs with claws. These claws allow them to cling tightly   bodies are not well defined between the thoracic and
                   to hair, fur, and feathers because some species also af-  the abdominal portions of their bodies. Most lice have
                   flict animals and birds as well as humans. Some species   relatively simple chewing mouthparts, but in some these
                   are equipped to live on plant leaves and pose no medical   organs may be highly adapted for piercing and sucking.
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