Page 229 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Invasive Tissue Parasites   209

                   CT scans (computerized tomography), and in some
                   advanced cases by routine radiographic pictures. The   MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   appearance of these structures can be similar to tumor           FEATURE
                   metastasis (spreading to distant sites from the original
                   infection site). In the liver the hydatid disease appears as
                   a dense fluid cyst that often includes areas of calcifica-  General Classification—Tissue Cestode
                   tion. Hydatid disease of either the lung or liver may be   Organism    Echinococcus
                   asymptomatic, but the condition can cause serious com-                 granulosus
                   plications if the cyst ruptures.                  Specimen Required   Tissues (eggs are not
                       Prevention of shock associated with a rupture of                   often recovered)
                   these hydatid cysts as well as the risk of intrapleural   Stage        Adult
                   or  intraperitoneal requires early medical intervention.   Size        3–6 mm in length
                     Dissemination of the organisms released by a rupture of
                   a cyst may result in a secondary infection and may be   Shape          Scolex with only
                                                                                          three proglottids
                   accompanied by an abscess of the lung or liver. In these
                   life-threatening cases, surgical removal of the cysts be-  Motility    Not indicated
                   comes of primary importance. Medications may also   Other Features       Scolex contains
                   be administered for a somewhat prolonged course of                     4 suckers, rostellum
                                                                                          with 25–50 hooks,
                   therapy that is sufficient to rid the body of the offending            enabling differen-
                   organisms. Other treatments that have been explored                    tiation from other
                   involve the  direct infusion of a medication that will de-             cestodes
                   stroy scoleces by a needle insertion into the infected
                                                                               E. granulosus
                   area, where the needle is guided by radiological imaging
                   directly into the cysts.
                       Infection with E. multilocularis may result in
                   the growth of dense parasitic structures that appear as
                    tumors in the liver, lungs, brain, or other tissues. Un-
                   like intermediate hosts, definitive hosts are usually not
                   harmed to a great extent by an infection with E. multiloc-
                   ularis. A number of intestinal parasites that primarily
                   dwell in the intestines of humans will sometimes result in                                     Delmar/Cengage Learning
                   a lack of certain nutrients, including vitamins, minerals,
                   and proteins. Rapid growth of parasitic organisms exacts
                   a high toll on the nutrient intake of the host in whom the
                   organisms flourishing.

                   Transmission and Prevention
                                                                        A number of methods will prevent echinococco-
                   As one can see from the life cycles illustrated previously,   sis in humans, most of which involve breaking up the
                   all disease-causing species of Echinococcus are transmit-  parasite’s life cycle. For instance, feeding raw meat that
                   ted to intermediate hosts via the ingestion of eggs and   includes entrails and organ meat to work dogs should
                   are transmitted to definitive hosts by eating infected,   be avoided as a sure means for minimizing the risk of in-
                   cyst-containing organs. When thinking about transmis-  fection on a farm or ranch. Regular deworming of farm
                   sion, it is important to remember that humans are ac-  dogs with the appropriate drugs will aid in killing a num-
                   cidental intermediate hosts that become infected by   ber of tapeworms, including those of the Echinococcus
                   handling soil, dirt, or animal hair that contains eggs and   genus. For humans, basic hygiene practices will prevent
                   seldom or never in the woods and fields where animals   infections by both parasites and pathogenic bacteria and
                   would be exposed to the organisms.                 thoroughly cooking food and effective hand washing
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