Page 228 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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208    CHAPTER 9

                                                  Scolex attaches         
                                                  to intestine
                                                          Adult in small intestine
                                    from cyst
                                      Ingestion of cysts
                                        (in organs)  Definitive Host    i  2
                                                 (dogs & other canidae)            4
                                               Intermediate Host        Embryonated  4
                                             (sheep, goats, swine, etc.)  Ingestion of eggs
                                                               (in feces)  egg in feces  4
                                     d  4                                                              Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                                                                   3               3

                                                                                      i  = Infective Stage
                                                                Oncosphere hatches;  d  = Diagnostic Stage
                                 Hydatid cyst in liver, lungs, etc.  penetrates intestinal wall
                   FIGURE 9-11  Life cycle of Echincococcus spp., with intermediate and definitive hosts

                       The definitive or primary hosts of E. multilocu-  E. granulosus organisms are confined to an acellular
                   laris are dogs and foxes occasionally domesticated cats   membranous vesicle, whereas E. multilocularis in its in-
                   who hunt rodents, similar to that of E. granulosus. This   termediate rodent hosts is of an invasive, multivesicular
                     organism may be found farther north and in colder cli-  arrangement with no limiting layer around it. Remember
                   mates than E. granulosus, as the eggs are somewhat re-  that T.  solium and T. saginata, respectively, known as
                   sistant to cold weather. Field mice, muskrats, ground   taeniids, are the pork and beef tapeworms found earlier
                   squirrels, and several other species are the intermediate   in this publication that are also capable of causing these
                   hosts (Figure 9-11). The primary site of infection is the   cyst-like structures in the organs of the body. Although
                   liver but protoscoleces (precursors to the head of a tape-  serological testing for the presence of specific antigens
                   worm) from cysts may invade a number of other organs   is usually reliable, the practice may lead to erroneous
                   and tissues. In humans, protoscoleces are rarely produced   conclusions and misdiagnosis. Basic microscopic mor-
                   in those who are infected. Infiltration into the blood ves-  phology, when possible, is the best and most accurate
                   sels may cause metastatic formations primarily in the lung   way in which to diagnose current infections.
                   and brain. As in most parasitic infections an increased
                     eosinophil count is also found with this disease.  Laboratory Diagnosis
                                                                    and Disease Progression
                   Differentiation between                          of Hydatid Disease
                   E. granulosus and E. multilocularis
                                                                    Visualization of the organisms causing echinococcosis
                   Adult worms of E. granulosus are larger than those of   may be accomplished through the use of various imag-
                   E. multilocularis. Eggs of the taeniid-type organisms   ing and serological procedures, an indirect means of
                   are practically indistinguishable from those of both   testing where antibodies to the organism may be deter-
                   E.  granulosus and E. multilocularis. In addition,   mined. Cysts may be detected by ultrasonography, with
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